_Holy shit guys
holy crap, life is heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
life and (god)(divine) are the same thing, you get this point? life and (god)(divine) are the same thing. ahhhh do you get it?
so i have the most fabulous fabulous points to type up soon. omg you'll faint.
im so in love.
yes so i am so loving life. its all because of J and the fact that this amazing life unfolds. was in morris for cornfest, came back to the chi sunday and last nite went to a speaker monk guy and he ended up speaking about the contemplative meditation that i believe is the true living. he called it contemp..and i call it seriously UM CHrist iFOUND OUt WHAT real LIFE IS. i ended up going to this speech that like Spoke exactly what i had experienced to be life itself (this weekend) adn here i was hearing it from a soul that knows too. its basically real life that i found. I WAS JUST SO HAPPY AND SO FREAKING LIKE WOAHHHH. i thank the souls that brought me there and J for loving. I am carrying around notebooks and writing all the time, so im like writing a book as i go.
i will post my newest blog that i wrote on paper a few days ago and awes notes from the past hm say 48 hours sooner then later :)
these are the newest notes that bring you there. im the best ever. like theres no real words to explain it, since im here typin ill use the words, its who you are.
i am the greatest. these words, take them so you I bless you to get here too.
i know about J, I know
coincidences, precognition, occurences that you knew b4 they happend, all situations like that, ha! thats life.
wow! all is happenig now! no 10 minutes ago! all joy, love ..etc is happening now.
when life escapes you and you are in the moment.
thisis heaven bliss
as long as J is in the back of my intention.
whole time God will work. of course G , J is all.
so im going to try to explain heaven. so J mind. the thoughts u are given arent just thoughts-swells of info that change ur life.way. like they come to u and change u. not just a word like a experience that is Gods plan. that changes u. (so this is a major piece that brought me to heaven) its like the communication isnt words its who you are and it comes
i feel for the people that havent had the J infiltrate them like stated in the above paragraph. J touched my legs(true true) and im just here to say HEAVEN.
clothes are not who you are. enable u to like have peace il say maybs. (today adn yesterday ive had the blessing opportunity to see ppl and see like the J interpretation a bit). they are just illustrations on the way u are and the way u percieve life to be the perception for some at this pt isnt quite yet heaven. ill just add on now that im on the subject. ppl making who world of views and they live this way! oh! omg they just see LOve way. taken from a great movie "what the bleep do we know" as words to describe it i use their words saying that you use teh Consciousness in teh back of ur brain only the love to see !! they make up these version of things-!! its like all l l they make up. but they think it is real. then everyone is different of course so you bounce around and i think sometimes escape.
so i go now into a great description of this in a lovely lovely wayyyyyyyy!!!-its like a photograph painting! ah waht magnificance. here are drawing on the easel. the ups and downs are all so colorful and igniting(imagine a painting)I go this as an experience(just want to explain its magnificance so adding this bit )(but see it was just like during my day, see this is islife) the energy all around me ignited painting the picture thru the trees(all the stuff in my eyesite) when i was walking. its like you cant even explain it. its like igniting. its life the amazing coloring of life. putting meaning into a block of ice. u chisel it and make an art piece. GOD CREATES LIFE AS YOU DO. easel. the negatives show. you how to tlive that wil most benefit you.
to experience these shows you that you must always think on ur enlightened state of mind. alwasy alwasyl. if not, you will be all over the place.
may seem bitter, but see there are non accidents.
u might be setting something up, that had to be worked on. so always believe (that u are in Js mission)(in Js mission)
dont really want to thinki that way cuz i THINK she judged me right back.
its really damaging waht a little judgement can do.
its really awesome waht a little postiive thinking and encouragement can do.
so no else. what matters is only J.
at this point i want to reconnect and fix a line i said about like there is only one way...well to not like scare you GOds way is the way. im not sayingone becuase GOd is infinity opportunity for life.
so to add on, you give a hand, you get an arm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a perfect explantion of god the author. god having total control CREATE YOU TRUST YOU TO MAKE LIFE.
SO I SEE NOW YOU FOCUS THIS WAY OF BLISS ON EVERYTHING. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY> cuz say u are turning on a knob and ur like oh! where is it ah! the drab knobness, oh i gotta think about where it is and all it contains to tuuurrnnnn eiiiiiiiiy then SAY YOU SAY HEAVEN AND THINK ON THE POSITIVE LOVE OF THAT MOMENT AND YOU TURN IT WITH LOVE AND LOVE IS LIFE AND THIS IS A ONE WAY THINKING> A TRAIN OF THOUGHT> but see its more then that. its the onlyway of seeing.
ah!!! at this point i am going to tell you about the peace. which is what is heaven too.
imagine the most neutral word or say like the feel good principle or the most at peace calm-that waht life is.
you are not meant to be one female body. oh no no , transcend
oh ok! so i saw today how you want to go infiltrate J to everywere to everyone because we are all J. and u dont have like a fear because J is whou are and givesyou all to be so that . we are connected. so go give. discern
dont stare. staring is not polite. loli got this after iwas walking aroudn witha limp for a while(ha ha !!!)
so i feel now as soul qualities pushing and swellin 9-22-08. i am the vessel wbeing moved. i felt this as i cant even put into words, again its like a crazy crazy swell and energy ah!!! 9-23-08=i am only these qualities and body not even really.
so for eating-love god given remarkable incredible sensations to delite you like life . god recommends. so yeah these lines were the end of a few lines i wrote about eating. the fact that it matters where your mind is when you eat. like way you have a sickly sadness for eating vegetables welp thats not gonna help you!
love each thing u do ,cook, wash. you can do a base meditation while doing these are any meditation type(its just focusing and BRINGING HEAVEN TO YOUUUUUUUUUUU AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
i now im enlightened at this time for a reason(and since there is no time i have always been) but so i can live J G Life. see the two are the same.
we are not machines so stop acting like it
um cant even talk (i wrote all this down) about this its multi dimensional thought.
what kind of effect are you having!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fakeness brings reality. reality is beauty,. are you real?
i have a few more lines, will post them to you when i get more interent time. mm jr
best day ever 9-19-2008 and this day is going to be the next best. its the 20th. and so on.
u only see one way-ur mind is constantly (set) (only way)on the bliss plane.
but see we here ableto be like seeing and able to like discern and see htat life is beautiful in its WHOLE reality to see
there isnt a crazy medium
its all (GOd) (whatever name you give the Divine) Thank God that God is God and that your bros ans sisters are also G.
there are no needs
or in between
LIFE FREAKING ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everything you create.
i love life.
one way is all there is.
I rest assured, knowing that i have it all from heaven. and this here is heaven.
Gods sent me here so i sure as heaven am gonna live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all i give give give is my all.
once u know you never look back.
so the beginning of this writing is the HUGEST REALITY EVER: IT IS ONLY THE TRUTH:
Pure wholeness entireness-connection to entire allness. this is already set and connection, and it AS iS. The Divine is all and everything ALL AT ONCE and never changes. and THIS IS CALLEd life! and this is all energy and life connected as one. and this is what WE LIVE IN. THANK GOD. this is LIFE. this is ALL THAT IS.
Never changes.
all easy to grab onto.
you are not a person u are experience. so experience is wheere the J-ness occurs at. so the level of exp. ur training must take place, but u will be led beyond ur present exp. all the same-all together. from gary renards book and MY OWN LITERAL TELLING YOU THIS.
here it is man. teaching is in body. yes. nt reality. all that is real is God energy
so yes, you must see that the God way is the only and REAL way. AND YOU CAN CALL THIS LIFE WAY , because God and Life
everything is already set and all RIGHT here. EVerything is already golden(a word i use) J. all right HERE!!! right already and never changes.
read a course in miracles for training
i experience and LIVE these statements. ITS LIFE. ITS NORMAL. BUT EVEN MOre then normal say the word. God gives you LIFE.
feels so calm AS IS!!!!!! this is who you are!! it comes in a wide spectrum of description.
everything else is an ILLUSION
Gods way only. the only thing i know(this is kinda my aknowledge beginning..) The fact that its all coming together. the fact that its all so RIGHT here, I (know it now) the fat that its bloody all LIFE all comes together as life GOd Divine ONE. here now, i feel it i am. but see its wholeness. (LIST LIST HERE ALL THE GREAT PIECES FROM PAST WRITINGS OF LIFE LIFE LIFE)and some i have right here on paper, ill tell you too.
its all mental. THIS IS SERIIOUSLY THE BEST!!!!!! THESE WORDS. its mental like when u are only thinking mentally at the high level. that all is here and never changes. that BLISS. you have the world. all is set in perfect order. so yeah its ALL MENTAL. you think on that high up mental plane .
not even with body, like not even.
all enlightenment! all ow! not even life as we see it(well yeah once you see it its real cuz its only reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !) all soul body. Jesus's teaching is not over.
see reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so this is going back from last weekend. you are capable of the most life ever through J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you should feel as high as God-confidence! you are God through J.
God gave me the only real full confidence
inspired piece:
already realize the perfection ineveryone. as a course says, "bring them back to their true self"
from a book, paraphrase,"let God talk completely thru you., will put words in ur mouth" lol im reminded of a writing exercise i did last night and I wanted to write down simply, God .............. .this one statement that i wanted to write similar to the one in quotes but even now i cant even write it, God is giving me answers right as how to live and so i write the answers.
All ur soul qualities are extended like emass extension-feels good. its WHO U R.
got substance, soul!
extension and join.
we r vessels
you cant think its going to go one way-see cuz once u put that expectation up, ur like non high self starts mixin and J is STILL THERE, but not heard.
if they can be forgiven for "mistakes" right away. so can urs. even tho you are perfect.
some ppl hold onto their guilt of whatever for eons. yOU MUSN'T!!!!
doesnt matter what you do
ppl full of attacking others, thinking they are right or cool or some kind of a victim. bring them back to their true self.
learn from, dont be a star
teach on ground level
so ur clear and you can heard J.
these are from gary renards book, if you want it so it doesnt seem listed and yeahh it is taken in context a bit, then check it out.
take it in like SOUP ---MASS AMOUNTS!!!!!! of great feeling NESSSSSSSSSSSS
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