so heres to writing the most massive love ever, most incredible anything of anything. heres to saying that God gives you the feeling of like you have the world. that you are capable of the world. it feels like you have it all. you are strong and fully alive. its incredible. thanks bridget!!

Life and God are one. the same thing.

so energetic/so alive. God gives you the energy energy right when its right. its great.

when spiritual works thru ur veins. spiritual is all there is, so!!!!!

all are only love.

when you seperate the words and life into two. you are hte words. heaven is us. say this means when you are at ur apt. or on the bus. same same same.


Gods love is unconditional

you are free!!!!!!! to quote God here from a book of mine, "its like you are as free as walking down a nice path on a summer day." and THIS IS HOW IT FEELS. this is literally as easy free flowing as it is.

HERES THE TRUTH BABYYYY- the fact that if your INTENTION is a positive and only positive. if all of your intentions are this then seeeeeeee your whole life is one after another of positive like living ways of the intention. THIS IS A MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR truth.

its knowledge. and God knows all, so you are given this

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Comment by Marie on September 17, 2008 at 8:19am
okay so i know seriously this awesome bit and i will post it tommorrow! you gotta check back, its seriously the best ive ever had.








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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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