stacy nabor
  • 53, Female
  • kilgore
  • United States
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  • Jenn [r.i.o.t.]
  • -[Buried Alive]-
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  • Randy Winter

stacy nabor's Page

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About Me:
i'm a 36 year old single mom.aside from my kids music is the most important thing in my life.i love rock,emo,metal,punk and indie.i injoy going to concerts and playing video games with my son

Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 8:00am on March 8, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
hehe yeah! wish I could do at least one! :D
At 1:27pm on March 6, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Wow! so many tattoos :).
At 7:53am on March 5, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
oh okay. that's cool! of RJA?
At 6:30am on March 4, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Yes. hope it won't be too hard for me.
i'm kinda small haha.
so what's up with you?
At 12:50pm on March 2, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
I get it. soon he'll be back home.
yeah i'll do my service for like two years.
At 7:36am on March 1, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
awe..he got a guitar for X-mas. that's awesome!
he's in the army..i'll go the army also, after i'll graduate
high school in the end of this year. when is he coming back home? it really would be great!!! i'm sure he'll be very happy.
At 8:17am on February 24, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
I get it. it would be nice to meet at least
one of the bands if not all of them.
hehe..that's cool, I probably would've done the same thing if i'd get to be in any show. you were def lucky!
At 11:29am on February 23, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
omg you're so lucky! :D.
would you meet them to talk after or before the show?
At 1:21pm on February 22, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
awwww..nice..yeah concerts is good :D. wish I could go too.
At 9:35am on February 21, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
just school. what about you?








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Questions....=) 116 Replies

Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.

5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

Started by Megan (34,725 miles for RJA) in Uncategorized. Last reply by rjasnumberonefan Jul 3, 2014.

Lets play a game 418 Replies

Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.

Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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