The crowd was suprisingly quiet as the band took the stage for last night's Punk Spring '07 in Osaka, Japan. The uncommon absence of applause and wolf-wistlers was more than likely nerve racking for the american performers, but the crowd ment no disrespect. As I stood closer to the back of the building in order to capture photos of the awe inspiring crowd, people rushed to the front in an attempt to get as close to the barricades as possible. As soon as the stage lights beamed and criss crossed above the band, the Japanese fans exploded and a familiar grin spread over the artists' faces.
The opening song was an uptempo number with a beat so fierce the crowd couldn't resist, and nearly everyone within eye sight was dancing, jumping, and pumping their fists in time. The vocal trade off between the singer and the adoring fans was just as awesome as any American show. The room was filled with chants and cheers and the band looked proud to have made such an impact so far away from home.
This is where I gave in... These kids had the right idea; What was I doing standing by the sound board? I abruptly abandoned my photo opportunity position, and charged forward just as I had seen before the set. Being only one of many, the unity of a concert crowd will always feel like home.
As the set pushed on, the spring punkers were determined to enjoy themselves. Mosh pits broke out, and kids were launching themselves into the air to surf the crowd despite the warnings for safety and the risk of being escorted out of the venue. I quickly picked up some new moves, and felt more than accepted by the people surrounding me.
"Face Down", being the most familiar song to these fans, drew an amazing response; I could hear the lyrics in foriegn accents, and before my throat cold catch I joined the chorus. Everyone in that room felt as if they were the singer for this band - if only for a moment.
Wave after wave of sound washed over the audiance, and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus took the opportunity to show everyone in Japan what they're really all about. The Grim Goodbye would be the final song of the band's 20 minute set. As the song neared its end, Winter made an attempt to explain how he wanted the last part to follow: "I do," as he pointed to himself, "then you do." as the crowd errupted. It seemed an unnecessary explaination as the woah's were reciprocated, and the grand finale tied any loose ends and severed all doubts.
In conclusion, many people may not have understood the lyrics. But the response was overwhelming proof that music is a universal language and has the potential to break through all barriers.

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i wish i could write like that









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