I'm not a vegan, however, I am a veggie Honestly, it has nothing to do with animal rights, and animal cruelty, ot has everything to do with the fact that I have no idea where the meat comes from. One day, I was getting ready to eat dinner with some friends of the family, they made a ham and set it out...... I remember looking down at it, and realizing that it looked like a small child with severed limbs..... I thought to myself," not only is that a freakishly disturbing thought, but I have no Idea where that thing came from." Since that moment, I have not only become nausiated everytime I think of indulging any kind of meat product, but it terrifies me.... who knows if it's really what they say it is? ewww

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I agree that is gross that's why I don't eat that kind of stuff YUCK!!!!
Solent green theory? never heard of it lol ..... yea ive heard some really nasty things about milk.... especially chocolate milk.... thats why almond milk is.....AMAZING
ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! lol that is my biggest fear!!!!! and there is a movie about this? WHAT?!!!!
just because...
yeah well, not because I didn't know where it comes from
you don't know for sure what's in cookies either
I just decided quiting eating meat ... no reason actualy...
I'm a veggie for a year now and I like it
I feel much fitter and stuf
That is why I started! I had a dream that animals were selling people limbs to eat.............Weird huh? I know! I started in second grade!
Well, I became a vegetarian because I love animals and I think that killing them for meat is wrong. Why kill poor, innocent animals if you got a wide, variety of food to eat from? Tofu tastes great especially when marinated then fried. Here's a dish called Tofu and Crunchy Vegetables I made from a recipe book called Get Fresh.



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