
Vegans/Vegetarians United! ♥


Vegans/Vegetarians United! ♥

If you're against cruelty to animals and show your dislike through boycotting animal products, hop in the boat! If you're not a full vegan, don't worry, vegetarians are welcome too :)

Members: 23
Latest Activity: May 23, 2010

Paul McCartney on ITN News at 10

Paul McCartney is interviewed by ITN News at Ten to draw attention to The United Nations Livestock's Long Shadow Report and how veganism can help to save the planet from catastrophe.

He's been veggie for 30 years but says that the fact that meat eating experts at The United Nations have now admitted cattle rearing is devastating the planet and more harmful to the planet than the effects of all cars and planes, many more ordinary people should sit up and listen.

Sir Paul credits Linda McCartney with turning the family vegetarian but apparently she said it was his decision, Sir Paul said Linda said "it was you that said it you know!"

Sir Paul sidestepped talking about his second wife's long term vegetarianism but she is now vegan and campaigning with UK vegetarian charity Viva!

He admit's despite all the clear evidence that a veggie lifestyle is better for the planet and better for health, people are unlikely to change overnight.

The repercussions if we don't change will be catastrophic for the planet, no habitable land , no water, no clean air - what sort of legacy is that to leave our children.

Discussion Forum

Animal Cruelty or just because? 6 Replies

Started by Ox NaOmI Xo. Last reply by Sarah Al-Sabbagh Jun 30, 2009.

What We should eat 1 Reply

Started by veghead101. Last reply by Sarah Al-Sabbagh Jun 30, 2009.

YES 3 Replies

Started by Vox Vontrep. Last reply by veghead101 Dec 5, 2008.

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Members (23)









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