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i tryd that,,did not work...
then i think ur dad is havin issues right now.
write n bout him n let him see it
then you guys need to have an intervention
oh yeah and then go to a shrink..yeah right!!!!! and on top of all this an old ''friend'' has to go and say we'er not friends..you should know bout this ''hayd3n doodle''...yeah thats right the ''friend'' i'm talking bout is in fact ''fail boy'' well she has REALLY failed this time!!!!!!! and i write bout my feelings not what's going on in my life and if i do i will not let him see it oh yeah thats right.. i have but that was a LONG time ago and is no void so there you go.
lulu i think ur havin self issues right now.
i really think you need to like take a day to just sit down and think about what you need to do ust like lay down and process eveything and the when you come up with something good you should figure out how to do it and i think who ever this friend is if shes down something bad to you before you need to just break it off with her and as for your dad i really think you just need to sit down and talk to him like have a firm talk with him
lulu, i've issues with my dad, but not like yours. i know. but i totally understand why you're getting angry with this advice. people have said it to me, too. it just makes me angrier. i don't now what to tell you, cos i don't think there is anything to really do short of actually going to a family therapist. and if you're like me, that's a big F*** NO. i'm so sorry, lulu. i feel lie i failed, here.
i gotta agree w/ mari
i've been getting angry out of no where increasingly alot, lately. i don't know exactly where it's coming from. maybe that damn bottle i use to store my feelings or maybe it's my low tolerance of people.
i like to keep my composure but i usually just want to yell, scream, and break stuff. if it wouldn't ruin my dreams that i've had since little, i'd run away. get fake papers. a new name. place to live. either by myself or with someone i truly care bout. i wouldn't tell a sould where i went. i'd leave letters or the ones i care about but would leave behind.
i wish i could tell everyone how hypocritical, stupid, and self righteous they really are. how blind they are to beauty in simple things and how their close-mindedness will eventually only cause them unhappiness due to the prejudices and walls they put up.
but i'm a pacifist. i would never let myself do that. i will never let anyone know...
you can let me know...and to the outhers,, i have a friend, and his mom AND dad can not speek, i am learning sieng (is that how you spell that?)oso i speek to him, and his dad, i will never you to a srink, my mom did but i'm not. i get everything out by writeing it on my walls in glow in the dark lip-sick and nail polish, so only i can see them, i've coolded off now, but now i'm mad cuz no one will ever know what i'm going thru, and i will not open up, it's to hard and the only two ppl i ever told were Kaki and Vik, well now Vik's gone. and so is my trust. plz know that i am reading all your comments but this is me your talking bout, i remember trying to run a way when i was only 4, and now i just mite, but i dont wana hurt any one...and i am starting to feel nothing but pain and hurt, and my family is NOT helping, i'm only 14, how can this be happaning??!!! well i will be putting up a new song soon, you can see it on my page or over there--------->
so yeah....
aight so herez wussup.my lyfe iz spiralin outta control n itz my fault.my boyfriend iz in da military n iz in texas.he'll be home in a week n im so excited.i even heard rumors tht hw wuz gonna propose when he got back.however.....bout 3 weekz ago,i began sleepin wit my neighbor(long story) n nw i mite be pregnant!! i feel so damn bad bt hw do i end this? I love my boyfriend bt i love da sex wit my neighbor.......wut cn i do?



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