i have checked both the RJA store and Tickle Me Pink and both only go up to size XL in t-shirts! i really need and would like an XXL! i am a big dude and i like RJA to death and Tickle Me Pink was good opening for them and yet they also dont supply XXL. why is this? Can u guys start to make XXL? i would be willing to pay a few bucks more to get a shirt that fits right!

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that sucks..bbbuuuuuttttt i highly doubt this discussion is giong to do anything....your best bet! is.....buy a shirt you like with a design on the front...not like a whole shirt design but like a picture on the front....then buy a plain XXL shirt from walmart...cut out the part you like and sew or have someone sew or use fabric glue on it...best thing your giong to get...plus it will look cool
i thought to do that but at the concert the shirts were like $30 and i didnt get one. i think i will order some of the cheap shirts they have on sale and do that on black xxl t shirts. i will post a pic if i ever do that lol
good luck with that :) in my country, we can take designs to a store, and ask them to put the design on a t shirt we want, and we get to choose what color and what size we would like the designs to be. do they have that where you live?
That' suck's man. hope you'll find one
did you try looking elsewhere? like on e-bay and stuff?
I would definitely try that.
not exactly i may but if they dont have them i just would get one then
yeah there could be some off brand not directly from RJA that has them. but I'm not sure if there is or not.
ok so they do but only one is short sleeved and both are expensive. my point is to make more then. but w.e
i wasn't trying to call you out or anything. I was just trying to let you know.



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