This EP is unbelievable. It's beyond perfect and that is such an understatement.

But, I can't say I'm that surprised. Everything RJA does is amazing.

Hehe, your thoughts?

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The EP is just EPIC!
i knew i was in heaven, and then i get this delicious artwork from rja. God is love!!!
Ronnie said it would be released at all Hot Topics and Ive been searching for it and no one in Vegas has it. Im really pissed that we werent able to pre-order. I hate using iTunes. Is that the only way to have it though?!
hmm that sucks, it is supposed to be in every hot topic, sorry:(
Its fine, Im just one of those people who like to have the real cd and not a digital copy. Oh well. Thanks for responding to me though, I appreciate it!
Love it!! I'm listening right now. Picked up the CD at the show on Saturday and been listening to it non-stop!
What are they like live
The EP is fantastic
AMAZING!!! Its worth everything to see them! I saw them in my town and I thought loads of people would line up early, but no, I was the only one sitting in the hot sun for 5 hours lol. But!!!! I was the first one in the gate and in front of the stage! The band is soo nice!
omg omg omg ikr it is so just ahhhhh! can't stop listening to it!!!! it is so hard core!!!
i want the hard copy too! too bad there are no Hot Topic stores here in the Philippines.
just used iTunes.
The artwork is great!
The album is EPic!
Where did you see artwork for the EP?









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