After several years, They finally found Natalie Holloways Killer...His name is Jordan they found him? He beat and killed another girl. Natalie Holloway was killed while on springbreak in Aruba several years ago. Her body was never found and now they found the killer. It's a tragedy that's really sad. But now justice is served. Karma.

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He's gonna burn for sure......
ya death sentence or death penalty...dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn...oh well Karma...
I'm glad her family will finally be able to have some form of closure, though it will never measure up to the grief they've been through. Justice man.
They got that damn son of a bitch bastered.
Only thing I hope for is that the mothers and family will find peace in knowing that dumb ass is not going to get bye with this.
Last thing i heard that he says if they send him back to Aruba he'll find natalies body. I doubt that's true he probably just wants to get away. This guy is beyond sick.
But this time he's going to pay. This time he's going to be the one getting raped in fail. HE"S the one thats going to get hurt. And I hope, no I PRAY that he dies a slow painful death and when he closes his eyes for the last time, that he see's all the woman he's ever hurt.









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