just wondering if there are any hidden meanings behind some of the lyrics, and wondering what everyone's favorite lyrics by RJA are...

im kinda stuck on the whole "Jericho falls around me" line from Grim Goodbye...
does it have any special meaning or anything? or what?

also, my favorite lyrics would have to be from Step Right Up

"Step right up, shoot an arrow at the target. My heart is an easy thing for you to hit. Don't worry if you miss I'll let you shoot again. My heart is an easy thing for you to win."

there are other ones that have reached out to me, but those lyrics are the ones i like most lol

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Actually, now that you mentioned "Jericho falls around me..", I do wonder what does he mean by that.
that's interesting. i'm curious.
for me, if we kinda look into the context of the walls of jericho back in the bible times.... we can derive the meaning of the phrase as used in the song....

king: i think i have the original version...maybe i'll upload later and share it to you guys....
here's the dload link: http://rapidshare.de/files/46637860/grim_goodbye.wma.html

i really love the song that's why i have been into it....
"Face Down in the dirt, she said, this doesn't hurt"
it simply reflects my life
1. "use me as you will, pull my strings just for a thrill"
2. "beat but i'm not broken, guide me through with your hand, lead with your words spoken, show me how to listen"
3. "if you wait around forever you will surely drown"
4. "empowered by adrenaline, feel like i'm born again"
5. "stop pretending, don't deny"
6. "Believe"(every single line of it)
7. "skip classes, take chances, have fun. 'coz when it's over it is done"
8. "when all the world is gone and dead, i'll still be the one to hold your hand"
9. "return to days now i implore you, to remember who you are"
10. "well it's hard to explain but i'll try if you let me"
11. "relapse and then collapse into yourself once more"
12. "take time to contemplate who you are and where you want to go"
13. "i should've left you right where i had found you"
14. "loving you is all i ever know, letting go is the hardest thing for me to do"
15. "it's funny how the words of a child can be, simple though the thought there is so meaningful"
angels cry:
"this doesn't change the way i feel about you or your place in my life..."
(so sweet!)

" i know you're right, i don't wanna fight. is this how our story ends or a new chapter begins."
i also love that lyrics from step right up...^_^

another thing, i also like this one from waiting..."waiting for this life to change seems like its taking me forever... "
i also love that lyrics from step right up...^_^

another thing, i also like this one from waiting..."waiting for this life to change seems like its taking me forever... "
lol i love step right up 2 <3

um well i like "don't hang up on me, coz im hung up on you" (Disconnected)


a pepple in the water makes a ripple effect, every action in this world will bare a consiquence, if you wade around forever you will surely drown, i see whats going down

every song frm rja has a special lyric and meaning <3

Well, "Jericho falls around me" line, based on what Ronnie believe, is originally came from the Book of Joshua (Chapter 6) from the Bible. "Jericho" is actually a wall and from the lyrics itself, there comes this line "as I try to scale this wall" - the Wall of Jericho. This whole sequence of lyrics gives the sense of having Faith to God as they march around the wall of Joshua for three days and make it collapse just how God planned it. :) 



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