I listen to them most of the time. I can't even survive a single day without listening to their songs. in the morning i always make sure to put RJA on the background to jumpstart my day.. at school, during breaktime or sometimes during the class, when i'm bored. lol, and because my day was started with RJA, i think it's best to end it up with the same way, so before i sleep, i listen to them also.. lol. how bout you?

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When i got Don't You Fake It, i listened to it nonstop for a few weeks or so, and then just listened to them once in a while until Lonely Road came out, and then i started listening ALL THE TIME again.
but no matter how much i love a band, i can only listen to the same songs so many times. I dunno if it has something to with being a musician, i don't like to hear the same thing repeatedly. In a way i'm scared i might get sick of it... haha. but i don't think that will happen
always xD
every time that i use my ipod i listen RJA's song *_*
every 42.5 minutes. but if you subtract the length of each song (which varies)then thats the amount of time in between each song. and i only listen to ONE song every 42.5 minutes (minus the length of the song)
ALL THE FLIPPING TIME, man!!! Mostly these days there are only three bands I constantly listen to they are The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, The Used, and Saosin.
cool!! i love The Used! pretty handsome awkward is my favorite song! :)
- Same here, can't last a single day without listening to their music...
- Every morning while i'm fixing myself., on my way to the office.., while working (can't work w/o music, especially RJA), on my way home & before i sleep...
- i'm addicted to Ronnie's voice.! <3
everyday..i'm addicted to their music
every second i'm free.... and because of that my acuity is getting worse! ahahaha!!!!
hi rose ann..
im alex..
we're really like totally the same..
tell me what song you usually listen every morning and night..
oh hey there alex!! well, its Angels Cry and Pleads & Postcards that i always listen every morning and night, it's never out of my list. i don't know what's with those two songs but i can't get enough of it. i was like listening to just them all over again.. :) what about yours?
i listen to in 24/7. i listen to it in class, at home, even in the shower i have my phone playing it, when i do homework, when i eat, even when i sleep, i have it in my ears all the time. been like this for a long long time ha ha
and it will neva get old. if an activity involes no music i dont do it. rja is my life. havent heard any other band for ages and im so happy.



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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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