which album do you like??im only asking because i want to know what album si much attaractive...

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Are we going to have a never ending comparison with the 2 albums? As for me, Don’t You Fake it has Your Guardian Angel while Lonely Road has Believe (my favorites). And so again, I’ll say both of it are awesome in their own different ways. But I think Lonely Road will catch more people who understand song lyrics but not into screaming and more intense music, a very good example is our parents and my sister, lol.
i will share mine...hahaha

i like don't you fake it..because thats the kind of music from them i enjoyed since i been a fan of them....i think lonely road is great..but i dont expect that kind of music from them....hahaha..one is happy..one is sad...hahaha..im confused!..hahaha..but i will try to identify w/c album is more BETTER FOR ME ONLY!....hahaha...people have every opinion..so don't confront them...hahaha
Both of them! <3.
Lonely Road. Definitely.
It takes a lot for a band to mature out of a particular sound, and RJA has pulled it off in such an epic way. Yes, DYFI had a few better hits, but all in all Lonely Road is a better CD :P
both albums best!
BOTH... you just can't always stick to one thing!!! it both rule!
BOTH... you just can't always stick to one thing!!! it both rule!
idk, before i used to think that dyfi is the most amazing album there is, but lonely road i think will hit it far enough. both albums are worth listening to. bec its the rja wat d heck!....
like joey said.
don't you lonely road it.
LOL!! I love this!! don't you lonely road it!!
both albums are awesome in their own way! I love them both!!
both ,sorry, i can't pick. the two are just great



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