what are all of the RJA songs? and, who's a fan of Yellowcard?

I've only had a couple of the songs from their demo, and the whole "Don't You Fake It" CD. are there any other songs that aren't listed in the special edition of DYFI or the demo that some people don't know about? please reply if you know of any.

and, who here is a fan of the band Yellowcard? I've been a fan of theirs for about 4 years, and they have some awesome songs. whoever's a fan of RJA should like some of their songs.


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ha ha ha...


Yellowcard...they're from the same town as me & the RJA boys.
hmm lets see

Old Songs:
Home Improvement
Kins and Carrol
20 Hour Drive
Getting By

All The Rest:
The Grim Goodbye
Seventeen Aint So Sweet
Face Down
False Pretense
Damn Regret
Love Seat
Angels Cry
Cat and Mouse
Misery Loves Its Campany
In Fate's Hands
Your Guardian Angel

hmm i am pretty sure that is it. btw i know every word to every one of those songs. and i felt so bad when i forgot the words to love seat at the concert.

anyways. if there are any you dont know about, i suggest you listen to them. them are amazing!!!!
Just a little FYI:

If you ever come across the song title, "Ass Shaker"...
it's the old title for the song, which you all have come to know as, "In Fates Hands".
omg im so glad u guys posted those songs thanx =) i knew they had other unreleased songs.....I have angels cry and getting by but the other ones (besides the ones on the Album i got those) i dont have =(

And I freakin LOVE Yellowcard! There the one band i like grew up with....ive gone to like 6 concerts of theirs and ive met them =)
Oh i love Yellowcard as I love RJA! That are the only bands, of which I can really say I´m a fan of! I got to know them at almost the same time....I think last octobre
yellowcard rocks and rja too!
I like Yellowcard lol ^__^

1. Face Down
2. False Pretense
3. Your Guardian Angel
4. Damn Regret
5. Angels Cry
6. Cat and Mouse
7. In Fate's Hands / Ass Shaker
8. Waiting
9. Getting By
10. Love Seat
11. Disconnected
12. 20 Hour Drive
13. Kins and Carroll
14. The Grim Goodbye
15. Home Improvement
16. Atrophy
17. Seventeen Ain't So Sweet
18. Justify
19. Misery Loves its Company
20. Face Down (Acoustic)
21. Damn Regret (Acoustic)

There... i think that's the complete list of their songs. i have them all in my RJA - Don't You Fake It playlist in my imeem account (:

UnfortunateLy, i don't kNow YeLLowCard. #-o



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