Always a Halloweenie.

I remember the first time Ronnie and I went trick or treating together. We had just started dating during the summer band camp before I started my Freshman year of high school, and it was hell trying to convince my mother to let me hang out with the senior drum line captain for the late hours of the evening.
Never the less, our costumes were adorned and we were let loose to terrorize the small neighborhoods surrounding our own. We carried bulging pillowcases for candy sacs and as soon as the trick or treating was finished, dozens of eggs and rolls of Charmin contributed to the better part of our night.

Of course we're much too old for trick or treating now (at least that's what they tell us... ), but we're still just as excited to decorate our very own house and yard as we once were while nearing, gazing at, and passing others' on that first chilly October night in 2000. And you better believe we'll be waiting outside till the wee hours of the morning in hopes of turning the tables on any rotten-eggers.

In the midst of my frantic costume frenzy, I'm finishing up some preparation for the few RJA shows that we'll be playing in November. How excited we all are to re-spread a little home state love with the new single hitting radio and all of the anticipation for Ronnie's bands' new album. There will be a new t-shirt available that could be fit for a costume itself. The new Your Guardian Angel Foundation Fundraiser tee will feature RJA's classic logo frontside, and metallic angel wings on the back which you will have earned by contributing to aid such causes as Diabetes Awareness, Underfunded High School Music Programs, and the battle against domestic violence.

All seriousness aside, I'm wondering what everybody else has planned for Halloween. I will be hosting a jack-o-lantern carving contest with a big BIG prize!! and anyone unable to attend the actual party we are planning shouldn't be excluded. I encourage all of you to take pictures of your awesome pumpkin carving skills and post them on The Alliance website. Even if you can't win the prize, it will be a treat for everybody to see what's going with pumpkins around the world! Perhaps we could all include our costumes as well... ?

I invite you all to join me for a spooky chat on Halloween around 3pm where we can all share decorating, costume, and scare tactics before the big night starts! I look forward to seeing you guys at the chat, and Thanks for all the love and support.


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i dont know what im doing for halloween. i was trying to find someone to go to a concert with me, but no one wanted too.i wanted to be a woopie cushion, but i wasnt sure if i could sit down in my wheelchair in it. im looking at other costume ideas now.

eventhough im now too old to trick or treat, my costumes get more awesome as the years go by

2005: crash test dummy
2006: the guy from the game operation
2007: deviled egg
well were all required to wear costumes at work for halloween, im gonna be that dude in the movie "scream".
we already had our pumpkin carving party. here's a few of the creations....

(Go BEARS!!)

(we actually have the real version of the "live nudes" neon sign in our window...)
OMFG, that darth vader pumpkin, what i wouldnt give to have that kind of talent in carving...
ronnie would so do that to his pumpkins
id do that to my pumpkin as well but i know ill just end up screwing up...
HALLOWEEN is my favorite holiday!!
anddd PUMPKIN(punkin;) carving is great also.
Hahaha..very kool! i have carved many pumpkins before..i want to do it this year with my boyfriend. I think it would be special. I don't know what i want to be this "all hallow's eve"....but I guess i want to be a vampire, you know just something original. I did make it a little more interesting a couple years back when i dressed as a phsyco zombie bride. Hahahaha...that was fun! I'll see if i can get on at 3pm on halloween... :)
...i remember when i was in 2nd year classmates use to call me ''happy haloween'' because i look like im in a haloween party...i wish im online for that time...for a chat with you









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