  • 33, Female
  • Willis
  • United States
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About Me:
My name's Brittany.. but it's pronounced more like..Britnee, or britNAY..=] I live in Willis, and moved from Woodville. I lived in woodville for foreverrrr. no lie. My best friend from Woodville, is Megan Gore.<3 One of the closest friends i have in willis.. is either.. Karla W. or Kym F.<33 Okayy, so if you were to hangout with me for the first time, I would act pretty shyy. But once you start hanging out with me more and getting to know me,,, I'm no like thatat alllll. Im realllllyyyyyyyy outgoing when put around the right people [friends from woodville are probably the onlyones that know this so far] And alot of people already know i'm like the most chill person you'll everr meet. fer real. Im past most of those things that bother people emotionally, and worry them. And yea, im pretty much talking about drama, and guys<33. I'll neverr get back into the drama thing, but i hope not to get into the guy thing. I don't want to have to worry about what a guy thinks of me, or how he looks at me.. or anything like that. If imgonna be involved with a guy, i want him to like me regardless of the clothes and makeup i wear, the way my hair looks, orr anything else for that matter. I like doubling letters at the end of most words.I LOVE MUSIC3333. MUSIC REALLYY IS MY LIFE<3..and i love life...but i loooove music more.. It says so much...but anyways, I like taking pictures, i carry my camera everywhere, cause i feel like taking pics at the most random times. Yet, half of them don't evenn wind up on myspace. =] I like going to the movies with friends. And i like bothering random, unknown people, too.. like throwing things at them.. =DD umm. the best thingabout me is of course my personality..well [i thinkso] I'm always up for a dare. I like trying new things almost all the time. And if you know me really well, you'll dread going into huge, public places with me. I like to make scenes, and love to make people laugh. Ask Kristen Kayserrrr. <---- btw, thats actually my best friend, but she 19, and out of school.She the coolest chick in the whole world, besides me of course. :) Oh, and i looooove going to walmart. I don't like shopping there, cause i only own one thing from there, but iloooove jst going there.. thats one of the main places i lke to act-out at. Don't think of me rebelling, when you hear me say act-out cause its reallyy more of just a playing around kinda thing. Thats how i stay so calm, and relaxed, i live, love, and laugh. I try notto worry abot anythingg, except my grades.. those stress me out sometimes. I liketalking, running, sleeping [alott], acting goofy, singing extremly loud, even though i can't carry a tune, i like/love my mom and dad(s), AIDEN.MICHEAL.KAYSER!!!!!. um, i act completly different around people i don't know, or guys that i like. If i like someone, it's veryy noticable, i laugh at almost everything they say, when in a huge crowd of people, i automatically spot them out of everyyone, i walk slower than usual when their besideme, and i smile everytime i see them. And afterwards, im happy pretty much all day. Even though im happy almost every day. The only thingthat makes me seem in a bad mood, is when im tired. but i think thats it. uhh.. I hate snobs, whores, skanks,secret-tellers-which thats the best thing about my pers. i dont really concern myself with other peoples lives, unless they want me to know. And if they do, i dont disrespect them by running off and telling everyone in the whole dang worl]anyways.. easy girls..[thats not cool, no guy will ever like you for you, if you let them all climb in bed with you whenever]..just saying. Druggies, alchies [alcoholics], kill-joys, smarty-pants people, trouble-makers, and so on.. I wanna be a lawyer when i grow up. If you just laughed when you read that; you can get off my page. Never underestimate me. That's one thing that actually bothers me more than most things. I know i act silly and goofy around people, but thats just because i like making them laugh. When it comes to my grades, and school, im more serious, because im veryyy devoted to full-filling my career goal. If you don't believe in me, i don't believe we're friends.. so you can go now. I usually don't have a temper, with anyone but family or rude girls. HAHA.. rude girls crack mee uuuuup, man. Like, seriously. The ones that sit across the room from you and your in the middle of a conversation, not even really acknowledging them, then all f a sudden they strike up a conversation about how much they hate you.. haha. when you've actually never even spoken to them. wheeeew. Their funny, but when they never shut up is wheni get mad. I only get mad at family, because thats something that almost everyone does. But we dont really argue or fight or anyhing serious. It's mostly about things like.. washing my clothes, picking up after myself, and stuff like that. but yea.. thats all i feel like saying for right now. If you have any questions comment or message me meeee. =DDD byye.

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At 3:31pm on March 9, 2008, Scarlet Angel said…
What's up? Thanks for the request!








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Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.

5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

Started by Megan (34,725 miles for RJA) in Uncategorized. Last reply by rjasnumberonefan Jul 3, 2014.

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Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.

Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

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