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Gottobesomebody's Friends

  • Kimberly Braulio
  • megan mckee
  • Janine
  • alicia[<3]tm
  • Lulu(is lost in her head)
  • Alana
  • kimmy

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About Me:
Well my name is Oskar
-Klaudia.... I miss you :'(
-I love to draw and paint (mostly manga and anime)
-I listen to the most goth and "emotional hardcore" bands there is
-Nightwish, Broder Daniel, DBA, Sonic syndicate FTW
-Emotional hardcore!!! (emo)
- inv to friends!!

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At 6:16am on January 01, 2011, Kimberly Braulio gave Gottobesomebody a gift
At 4:52pm on April 19, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
hay there.....
At 8:54am on April 12, 2010, kimmy said…
THAT'S NO EXCUSE!!!! so long as you stay inside on warm nights you won't get bitten. they only come out from about 8 til 10pm in spring and summer. where i live we usually only get daddy long legs and they're completely harmless. spiders generally stay out of you way. don't be such a wuss! i hate spiders and mozzies too. mozzies absolutely love me :(
there's nothing to worry about. except maybe drop bears ;P
At 6:18pm on April 8, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
one word, mom.
i cant really tell you about it, but yeah -.- anyway hows your life going?
At 11:18pm on April 7, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
-.- life sucks dont it?
At 10:59pm on April 6, 2010, kimmy said…
you should so come!!! you'd love it!!! if you come in summer you might appreciate winter more ;D i guess i like winter, because i like to be rugged up and not start sweating the second i get out of the shower!!!
anyway, i'm looking forward to some good quality snow ^_^
oh, damn! that really sucks :( what year are you in?
At 4:25pm on April 5, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
lol ^^
not fully back yet, but give me like two more days and i'll be fully back XD lol, take care!! lugz ya byes ^^
At 6:02pm on April 4, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
lol some here :p
i'm not going to be online for about two or three more days (-.-) but i dont mind if you put anything on my page ^^
aaaannd about the only "new" thing with me is i got a new dog and i forgot what i was going to say ^^ lugz ya byes
At 3:20am on April 4, 2010, kimmy said…
sucks to be them :)
ha! no! of course we get snow in Australia! just up on the mountains. very rearely does it snow...well, not on the mountains. our snow sucks! it's all slushy :(
i only went to the snow once when i was a kid, cause i used to have asthma and mum was a worry wart >:(
the other time i went it was when it snowed further down the mountains and dad drove me up there...last year, i think.
the Ukraine's gonna be so much fun. i'm friends with a Ukrainian girl on facebook ^_^
well, not much really. on holidays and not enjoying my holiday homework T_T
i'm so glad this is my last year!
how 'bout you?
At 5:13am on April 3, 2010, kimmy said…
haha! well, because i'm so over summer!!!!! i hate hot weather!!!! i'm more of a winter person. plus i've only ever been in snow twice, so i guess it would be fun... for a while ^_^ also, i've always wanted to have a white Christmas.
i can't wait 'til me and my parents move to the Ukraine. it's gonna be awesome!!!!!








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Questions....=) 116 Replies

Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.

5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

Started by Megan (34,725 miles for RJA) in Uncategorized. Last reply by rjasnumberonefan Jul 3, 2014.

Lets play a game 418 Replies

Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.

Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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