Stephanie's Comments

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At 1:52pm on January 11, 2009, kanela said…
aww, don't beat anybody up too badly love :)
At 11:52am on January 10, 2009, kanela said…
best of luck!!!! got those tickets?? beat down anybody for them if u have to stephie!!!!! lol :) *fingers and toes crossed* for u! :)
At 3:06pm on January 9, 2009, kanela said…
hey, haven't talked to you in what feels like years!!!!!! got a countdown to january 20th??? lol :)
At 9:54pm on January 1, 2009, Punkin' said…
stephie you are awesome don't ever change k?
At 12:07am on December 31, 2008, Katherine said…
Happy New Year!
At 11:57am on December 29, 2008, kanela said…
u too!! happy new year!!!
At 10:22am on December 27, 2008, Punkin' said…
Hi stephie,
I hope you had a good christmas my dear!! You deserve it. You are an amazing person!
At 1:15pm on December 23, 2008, Vince said…
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wat up genius! :D yay drinks
At 12:29pm on December 21, 2008, Punkin' said…
Hi stephie!
The concert was amazing! Duke played guitar on his knees! Joey rocked out on bass. Jon...come on now, america's most talented drummer right thurr. Matt amazing riffs man. RONNIE, what can you say about ronnie?! He was amazing. O the energy I was like flying off the energy they gave the crowd. It was amazing. I can't even begin to tell you how awesome it was!!!!!! Oh my god, i hope you go to as many concerts as you can!!!! AMAZING!

SO I SAW DUKE FIRST AND POUNCED ON HIM. HAHA ASK P2 I WAS LIKE "DUKEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" then i saw the other boys. I talked to them all for a long while. Had fun times with them all. I have to say though, theres some crazy highlights from that night that are just amazing. Haha oh my gosh,

they will forever and always and ever and always be my favorite band in the history of bands.

Gahhhh i love them!
At 5:27am on December 21, 2008, kanela said…
i sense great stalking ability from you lol:) trust me when i say i'm so excited for you, i can't go any of their concerts:(
At 6:12pm on December 19, 2008, Vince said…
yea, she hasnt been replying to me too...maybe shes still busy doin her projects and stuff
At 1:10pm on December 19, 2008, kanela said…
it's addictive, and i joined out of boredom^-^ ur so lucky to see them, hope you get to meet them^-^
At 9:52pm on December 18, 2008, Vince said…
i know...she is just amazing...i still cant believe it.. :D
At 9:47am on December 18, 2008, kanela said…
i've been busy, haven't been on for a while(i now realised facebook is addictive lol). but i'm back, so how are you? nothing's going on here, i'm justbored out of my mind
At 4:21am on December 10, 2008, Vince said…
whats up?
At 11:58pm on December 6, 2008, Punkin' said…
haha my friend has that picture and it takes amazing shots. I always love the color on fuji cameras so much! haha put it on manual...that's the best cuz you can control everything!
At 12:30pm on December 4, 2008, Punkin' said…
depends usually I shoot with my canon camera.
which i own three now
so the power shot 6.0 one
the 350d
or the 50d.

I also use the pentax advance point and shoot which has 8mp.
lol crazy I know. but when you are a photographer you hae to have more than one camera!
At 11:43pm on December 3, 2008, Punkin' said…
i don't know what id do.

gosh I go through withdrawals when I havent talked on the alliance that night. lol.
At 1:08am on December 3, 2008, Punkin' said…
no you are!

You are awesome and don't forget that ;)
what would i do without my awesome alliance family.
At 5:21pm on December 2, 2008, Vince said…
ahh yes, eventless...awesomesauce lol... hmmm nothing is happening in vince's world as well...exept for my dad kinda got me invited to the first rooftop rollecoaster ride in cebu...and the building on which the roller coaster stands on is like the tallest building in cebu...WOOOT! i get in for free ofc... :D wooohooo...cant so bringing my camera...








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