Stephanie's Comments

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At 10:11pm on February 3, 2009, Vince said…
you are
At 11:49pm on February 1, 2009, Beck said…
Should I deny your request? lmao
At 1:15pm on February 1, 2009, kanela said…
aw, i hope u feel better, i hate being sick :(
i'm ok, i guess.....i don't really know, just kind of existing. frustrated with myself, that's all.
anyway, how was cleveland? did you have fun?
At 8:18am on February 1, 2009, Punkin' said…
FOOO fighters.
At 7:35pm on January 31, 2009, Vince said…
nope, im not doin fine... i got crushed. Life is a big bitch
At 1:00am on January 29, 2009, Ronnie Winter-Defoe said…
yeah I know I cant figure it out, maybe i need to re-boot
At 8:26pm on January 28, 2009, Ronnie Winter-Defoe said…
no prob dude sorry about the confusion but atleast yall got in and I thouht the show was super rad
At 1:25pm on January 28, 2009, Nick ☮ said…
Hahahahh, shuttup :) you know I <333333 you!
And, lol them n00bz just got pwnd :D
I am the pwndin8r :D hehe.
At 10:27pm on January 26, 2009, Nick ☮ said…
Hahahah, honestly I didn't want to get cussed out by anyone for doing it, haha. P2 writes me in private chat and is like "you know... YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE KIDDING I'M SO !@$@# ABOUT EVERYONE !#@!@# ALL THE TIME!
:D It was much fun :)
I almost wanted to get back on and be like "I wasn't kidding. I'm completely serious" and insert a cuss word here and there to scare them, but haha, even if they did get on my nerves I'm not like that... USUALLY :P
At 9:28pm on January 25, 2009, Nick ☮ said…
Lol I know they do! & I love it and hate it :) I <3 it because they're all amazing people, I hate it because all I ever do now is get on the Alliance, chat with you guys, and ATTEMPT to write a few people back :) haha.
My book is about to twins (thus the name) who unwittingly find themselves in another world. The first half is more about trying to stay alive and find out what happened, and then the story really starts moving into an intricate tale of sacrifice and friendship. I really can't explain it very good :) but I'll tell you it's a good read, haha! I hope you'll pick it up one day.
Write back!
At 11:31am on January 24, 2009, kanela said…
they'll love the pic :) i take it you're seeing them today? wow, very cool, again i say, i wish i could go, but i hope you're having fun in cleveland :)
At 3:13pm on January 23, 2009, kanela said…
a darth cookie, i'm sure ronnie can safely say no one has given him something like that lol. did they like your sister's pic?
At 5:58pm on January 21, 2009, Vince said…
i find your lack of chocolate chip cookies, disturbing - darth vinny
At 5:33pm on January 19, 2009, Vince said…
dont you well im psyched for ya stephie... :D
At 2:55pm on January 16, 2009, kanela said…
i think bill has more of a figure than i
nah i'm not so addicted to it, but i sing it to this group of girls in my school who are real bitches, sing it loud and strong!!!! (maybe off key too lol)
At 3:22pm on January 15, 2009, kanela said…
bill puts women to shame.....seriously, he's prettier than half the women here! lol :)
i have, and it is sooooo awesome, but i really really like gives you hell, it's the perfect f u song!
so have u decided what you want to give them?
At 2:33pm on January 13, 2009, kanela said…
oh, that's cool, i draw too, but i'm afraid i'll mess them up :) i drew bill from tokio hotel once, came out a bit feminine, but you could tell it was him ;) but that's a good idea, i'm sure they'll love the drawing. btw, i love your shirt in your profile pic, love aar too ;)
At 3:16pm on January 12, 2009, kanela said…
so do you have any ideas what you want to do for them?
don't forget me, i hope you have fun ;)
At 2:43pm on January 12, 2009, kanela said…
so cool!!! i'm all the way over here, but i'm sooo jealous of you, you would not believe. you got me all excited too! lol :)
oh, i know for sure it's so gonna be awesome, aww, sniff sniff, i wish i could go...
anyway, keep me posted ;)
At 6:34am on January 12, 2009, Punkin' said…
aww stephie your new pic is cute. I love AAR too. Not ashamed of it...well anyways...I've had my good and bad days. But ill be ok. Just gonna take time.








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