Schneia's Comments

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At 5:20pm on September 8, 2009, Mari said…
yes it does a lot i wish that they would come back on so badly and nothing really my b days coming up and school started like a week ago you
At 8:05pm on September 6, 2009, Max said…
were asking all our "fans" if they would like to see instrumental previews. like, before we started doing vocals, we put out the instrumental of it to see if everyone likes it. so if you could tell us yes or no wed really appreciate it.
At 8:22pm on September 4, 2009, Mhayeeh--Msz.Pretender said…
→` zup!

→`nice meeting yOu :)
At 8:04pm on September 1, 2009, Mari said…
ohhh yes i do get alright and no i dont think they are for a while cause i think that theyre almost off theyre tour
At 6:09pm on September 1, 2009, Megan Torres said…
yepp !! =] i knoww !! it was amazing ! i hope the play there again !!! yess :D i was in the front !! hahah i hadn't heard of Monty Are I since th concert either ! i got a picture with Stephen he is sooo damn fiine (:
At 3:29pm on August 30, 2009, Mari said…
ha yeah and what are you serious they bood RJA well if they didnt like the band then why did they come to the show and yes ronnie is very sexy ha ha and i feel in love with them after my first concert too and after the first concert is when i learned all their songs too so now im prepared for the next concert but i like them since dec.
At 7:45pm on August 24, 2009, Max said…
thanks, i was gonna do vocals today but i was sick, ill do em tomorrow and we might have a new song up to so thanks again
At 8:51pm on August 21, 2009, Max said…
hey we got the song up, its instrumental and its not our best one but we're getting there
go to- to check it out
At 6:51pm on August 21, 2009, Max said…
well were tring to find a way to upload it to our site, so once we do, well let you know, should be next week though
At 6:17pm on August 19, 2009, Max said…
haha thanks
At 10:18pm on August 14, 2009, Danger Danger™ [Rawr.] said…
Ayo, bitch!!! I like yo pants!!!

Can't wait until tomorrow...
Mhe && Jhu Goins Ta Work...
At 6:19pm on August 14, 2009, Max said…
its going really smoothly, we've got a recording program now, and we're trying to get all our songs uploaded to our myspace.
At 6:18pm on August 13, 2009, Max said…
hey, a little to much is going on, what with my band and all. how bout you?
At 12:56pm on August 13, 2009, Schneia said…
Im going to see RJA on the 24th, yaaaaaaay me!!!!!!!!!!!
At 10:17pm on April 1, 2009, yuriko said…
yeah... hope to talk with you real soon
At 12:51am on March 27, 2009, yuriko said…
well.. i have ym... and my add is add me and i hope we could chat someday
At 9:26am on March 25, 2009, yuriko said…
im doing fine and im doing great.. the past few days i've been resting so this time im gaining some of my weight... well, i hope your parents would allow.. anyways do you have ym or msn? so that we could chat sometime?
At 1:26am on March 13, 2009, yuriko said…
well... im hanging out with my friends.. and enjoying life to the fullest... and some stuffs.... im really bored when im just staying at home after work... about you?
At 10:04am on March 10, 2009, yuriko said…
hey... zup? im sorry for taking so long to reply... i barely visit the site coz of work... so how are you doing? well.. me? im doing good even though im sooo tired...
At 10:04pm on January 30, 2009, yuriko said…
hey.. thtas just fine.. i've been busy for the past few weeks that i rarely visist hte site.. anyways im doing fine.. how about you?








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Questions....=) 116 Replies

Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.

5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

Started by Megan (34,725 miles for RJA) in Uncategorized. Last reply by rjasnumberonefan Jul 3, 2014.

Lets play a game 418 Replies

Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.

Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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