FuTuRe rOcKsTaR's Comments

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At 12:32am on December 24, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…
heyyy not much!!

At 4:47pm on December 23, 2007, Mariah Mounce said…
hehe. fun. fun. fun.
At 3:18pm on December 23, 2007, Mariah Mounce said…
haha. nice...
still need to get stuff for selective ppl...
At 3:10pm on December 23, 2007, Mariah Mounce said…
no problem.
u ready for Christmas?///
At 3:04pm on December 23, 2007, Mariah Mounce said…
oh no problem...
its true tho... hehe
At 3:08am on December 23, 2007, Mariah Mounce said…
At 1:09am on December 23, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…
yes i do.

its suppa fly, yo!

mainly cuz i love RJA

and also cuz i get to meet lots of people who love them as well =]
At 1:04am on December 23, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…

that would be cool

At 1:01am on December 23, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…
haha awesome

maybe i will check them out =]
At 12:53am on December 23, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…
oh, well there is kins and carrol, home improvement, getting by, [[angels cry]], love seat [[its not really old, but its not on the CD either]], and 20 hour drive.

all of which are amazing

yes i know Justify is amazing =]

well yeah. i am kinda learning. i know a lil bit.
At 12:44am on December 23, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…

well my fave is Justify, cuz the lyrics and guitars are just amazing..

then the grim goodbye just cuz its soo powerful

and then seventeen aint so sweet, cuz its my motivation =]


do you know their old songs too??
At 12:40am on December 23, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…

i was an all country girl

but RJA chaged my ideas..lol

they are amazing, right??

what is your fave song by them??
At 12:36am on December 23, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…
no i havent heard them

i wish i had. and i wish they were dowloadable

yea that is what i was thinking. joey might sing it or something. lol

guess we have to wait till next fall. eww. ha. that is too long a wait
At 12:29am on December 23, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…
hmm there is one called Joey's song [[i am super xcited to hear that one. it sounds so cute lol ]]

then there is pleads and postcards, pens and paper, and godspeed

that is all i know of.
At 12:22am on December 23, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…

not until early fall 2008

it totally sux

especially since i know some of the songs that are on there, and i want to hear them NOWWW

At 12:17am on December 23, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…
haha yes they are.
but still..lol

yea i live like 1 and a half from their hometown =]

that makes me feel special. lol

awesome. i wish i could see them before they go to australia. but sadly i cant =/
At 12:05am on December 23, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…
oh ok..lol

i want the D.E for the behind the scenes dvd..lol

yea RJA comes to florida a lot thank goodness. i saw them in Jacksonville for the Warped Tour [[best bday present ever]] and then in Orlando [[which was for my besties bday]]

wish i have seen them more tho. i can wait till they release the new cd =]
At 11:58pm on December 22, 2007, [<3RJA]Cheese![~Janice~][ILT] said…
uhm... i dunno
At 11:57pm on December 22, 2007, montana, yo! [[434 miles for RJA]] said…
haha yea i know
that is all they ever have
but at least they have it on the internet =]

when you say them you mean RJA, or the deluxe editions. sorry, sometimes i get confused.

At 11:53pm on December 22, 2007, [<3RJA]Cheese![~Janice~][ILT] said…
hmm im bored =[
entertain me!! :D


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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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