Ali's Comments

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At 5:26pm on January 31, 2008, Niki said…
OH I kNOW!!! lol. he is still sexy even if he has a tinge of verde there. lol.
At 10:23pm on January 28, 2008, Mike.. said…
I'm fine:]
At 12:44pm on January 28, 2008, Niki said…
Sweet i look foward to reading it.
At 8:48pm on January 27, 2008, Niki said…
RJA performed on the Last Call with Carson Daly... My friend Kelly and I were front row it was totally sweet. the camera guy kept getting all up in our faces. so hopefully you might see us belting our lungs out on the show if you stay up to watch this friday.
At 5:43am on January 27, 2008, bek said…
Mm, indeed.

Ronnie has an amazing voice..
I can't wait to see them in the future (:
At 10:19pm on January 26, 2008, Niki said…
yeah... the same goes for me? have you listened to cartel? they're rad too. i love them. especially their song "Lose It".
At 9:14pm on January 26, 2008, Aisya said…
psh no.
random name over here
At 9:01pm on January 26, 2008, Aisya said…
hello you!
im aisya btw :)
how are you?
At 8:20pm on January 26, 2008, Niki said…
No prob girlie. I like music with substance... idk if you listen to Regina Spekter but her lyrics bug me because they have no meaning. maybe to her when she's strung out. but not to me. lol. so yeah i like any type of music RJA just grabs at our hearts i guess.
At 12:16am on January 26, 2008, bek said…
Yeah, RJA are recording their new album, so we miss out on them coming to this massive Aussie gig we have called Soundwave which is kinda like a warped tour...

Mega sucks, but ah well.

Awhhh. I miss Winter!!
At 12:31am on January 25, 2008, bek said…
Haha, no
not cold right now.
We're in summer, so it's pretty hot.

Although; today looks like it may rain.
Still hot though.
At 9:47pm on January 24, 2008, bek said…
what's up?
thanks for the add (:
At 2:46am on January 19, 2008, annie said…
lol im freezing too...but i hae ben colder XD been..have nothing to do lately...and im not a studying person XD
At 12:44am on January 18, 2008, annie said…
hey how are ya :D
At 9:17pm on January 16, 2008, jay said…
thnx you sweetie
At 2:08pm on January 12, 2008, Liz said…
Hi thanks for the add. =]
At 4:20am on January 12, 2008, tiffanie said…
At 2:43pm on January 10, 2008, taniece said…
im fine just @ home once agin doin nothin
At 6:02pm on January 9, 2008, taniece said…
thxs 4 the add so wats up
At 4:49pm on January 6, 2008, The Destroyer of Societies said…
Roger that. Thanks for the read.








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Lets play a game 418 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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