Steffy's Comments

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At 8:18pm on October 12, 2008, X_MiChe_X said…
lol... not bad, it's actually dos cuatro y cinco and it would be buenos dias que pasa...
it's ok I think we'll stick into english for now lol
At 8:11pm on October 12, 2008, X_MiChe_X said…
and did you learn some?...
me entenderias si te hablo así? hahaha

try it xD
At 8:05pm on October 12, 2008, X_MiChe_X said…
hahaha... is not that hard... actually I like english way more than spanish...
At 7:40pm on October 12, 2008, X_MiChe_X said…
hahaha we don't... but well in school I learn a lot... I guess xD
At 7:24pm on October 12, 2008, X_MiChe_X said…
hahhaa... I know where USA is... like every single person in the world, but not much people knows chile... hahahaha...
At 7:04pm on October 12, 2008, X_MiChe_X said…
mmm... not much
here stuck in my computer doing some homework.. ¬¬ it sucks...

so where are u from... I'm from chile... I think you don't know what that is haha...
a little country in southamerica :P
At 6:58pm on October 12, 2008, X_MiChe_X said…
hahaha... it's ok...
thanks....I'm michelle
At 6:32pm on October 12, 2008, X_MiChe_X said…
At 3:22pm on October 12, 2008, jurex said…
i'm good,how about u gurlz?
At 2:12am on October 11, 2008, rose said…
yea i see, so you stay at home cause of it or can you stand on it?
At 2:33pm on October 7, 2008, derie_facedown said…
hy ..
wazz up
At 1:50pm on October 7, 2008, jurex said…
how r u?
At 1:33am on October 5, 2008, rose said…
Yea wat happen to you, aw!!!!!!!!!!!that sucks, well i hope you get better soon :). I am k but things aren't going that good either, just drama here and there :(

At 1:19am on October 4, 2008, rose said…
so how are you??
At 1:19am on October 4, 2008, rose said…
Hey it's k it happens
At 3:21pm on September 18, 2008, rose said…
REALL?!?!?!??! that sucks, well i hope everything k now! ugh i hate when that happens :/

At 5:37pm on September 7, 2008, rose said…
hey you!!! how is ur weekend so far?
At 3:49am on August 31, 2008, rose said…
how is it going?
At 6:30pm on August 30, 2008, derie_facedown said…
At 10:19am on August 29, 2008, gavin said…
yea sure








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