NADz XD's Comments

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At 8:59pm on March 24, 2009, Leanne said…
many thanks...
At 11:28pm on March 23, 2009, The_Psychoseed_Apparatus said…
sorry for that tnx!
At 7:45am on March 23, 2009, Vince said…
yea i wear alot of white...and yes that is stupid...stereotyping...and its even worse if the one who stereotypes doesnt know what theyr talking mom thinks im gangstah when i wear maybe she got that idea from my friend before who was a ganster but instead of the normal blue or red color scheme...they wore black
At 6:54am on March 23, 2009, Vince said…
haha i dont wear much black...i wear alot of bright colors doesnt like it when i wear i mostly wear blue, green and white and sometimes yellow
At 6:45am on March 23, 2009, Vince said…
NO WAY!! haha that is so cool! its one of my favorite fits me real nicely...but it has sweat stains in some places...cuz i use it alot espescially on dance practices and dance performances :D
At 6:17am on March 23, 2009, Vince said…
haha...not yet although im pretty sure that im gonna get to go nat sci class will prolly tour bohol.
At 5:52am on March 23, 2009, The_Psychoseed_Apparatus said…
hey tnx 4 d acceptance of the request!!!!
At 5:34am on March 23, 2009, Mariel said…
well goodluck with that... board exams reviews are so stressful and hectic, i should know cos i have a lot of nurses friends who have been through that already... anyway do u have ym? hre's mine if u wanna chat up sometyms. =)
At 2:16am on March 23, 2009, Vince said…
yep, i speak it fluently together with english and tagalog :D
At 10:37pm on March 22, 2009, Mariel said…
well you should, summer is absolute fun, im sure you could get a lot of inspiration and put them into paper. =)
At 10:06pm on March 22, 2009, The_Psychoseed_Apparatus said…
hey add me pls im frm manila also! i like RJA too! :3
At 11:29pm on March 20, 2009, Mariel said…
hey nadz, ive alreay posted my thoughts on your sketches. just keep doing what you do, it really inspires a lot of people... =) ♥♥♥
At 10:07pm on March 20, 2009, dharren ♥ RJA ♫ said…
- well, you really got the talent... can i send you a pic and make a sketch from it too.? that's if you have extra time :D
At 3:24am on March 20, 2009, flores encio said…
Yah, grabe talaga yun kaso nabitin ako, heheheh..
At 11:27pm on March 19, 2009, dharren ♥ RJA ♫ said…
- thanks fo' the add :)
At 10:28pm on March 19, 2009, Mariel said…
hello, sorry i went out yesterday w/o saying bye, computers suck sometimes, i couldn't browse properly yesterday. anyway, hope to talk to you again soon. muah! =)
At 4:50am on March 19, 2009, flores encio said…
hallo!!!!! i was there in trinoma also, heheheh
At 12:19am on March 19, 2009, Mariel said…
aww, i went to your fs link and saw it there =). i also have a fs site but i dont go there much often now, i guess facebook is the new craze eh. anyway no problem, you'll find me online on fb almost all the time bec i got hooked playing fashion and vampire wars =) anyway if you play those on fb, feel free to add me on your clan/posse. =)
At 12:07am on March 19, 2009, Mariel said…
hahaha, anyway don't be creeped out by this but check your facebook and you'll find my invitation. i figured that's a better site for us to talk. =)
At 11:56pm on March 18, 2009, Mariel said…
dude, are we talking with our minds here? cos i was just like viewing your page and was trying to add you but i seemed to be having an error, i was looking at the forum page when your request popped up, thanks anyway. =) ♥








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