NADz XD's Comments

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At 1:50pm on April 19, 2009, naomi. said…
haha aweh nahh
you aren't retarded, i didn't tell anybody. :P
just changed it & went on talking like i usually do. [:

im pretty gooddd...
first exam tomorrow so thats thriller.

youu? xo
At 11:24am on April 19, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
yep, who cares what they think. I know I did what I can. and alone.
awwwe, you're proud of me <3 thanks!
and i'm always here for you too! you know it :] we are family..*Smiling* lol.

oh, a fight, hope things will be okay soon. haha bipolar. no, you're just fine :)
At 11:06am on April 19, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Yeah, totally unfair. I really diid my best! I practiced so much, and had so much fun doing it. and they are stupid and blind! and can go to hell!
my teacher even said to me that it was great that I had that courage to dance like this. but she wasn't the one to give me the grade =\
and yes, i'm proud of myself, cause I did something that I didn't even knew i'd dare to do.

awe Nadz, thank you so much for everything you said. it was so nice of you.
it really makes me feel better <3

ahh..what happend to your good mood?. what have she done? lol.
At 9:35am on April 19, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said… I had Final exam in physical Education a month ago, and today I got my grade, 75.5? it's not fair at all. I danced like a whore and that's what I get???? sorry for the word, not very nice. i'm so pissed off. and some girl was rolling on a mattress and i've heard that she got 90 plus!

i'm glad you're better now.<3
At 7:50am on April 19, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Nadz :D, I missed you too, hun! well, i'm kinda pissed off, disappointed..and a lot more. what about you?

that song is lovely! hehe we are typing retards.XD
At 1:43pm on April 18, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Yep, whenever you want, it's my pleasure :D.

lol, right. so what, i'm also a typing retard.

At 7:09am on April 16, 2009, Ysabel Francesca said…
No prob! Thanks for adding me. :D

I'm fine... My summer is boring. Haha. How about you? :D

Hope we could be good friends!

<3 Ysabel
At 11:31pm on April 15, 2009, Mariel said…
haha, yep yep, they made my twittering more exciting. i now have some updates to look forward to everytime i log in on twitter. tnx for following me btw.
At 10:42am on April 15, 2009, jade said…
what happened.??something wrong with the chat.!!!
anyway,,,maybe next time..!!!!lol
At 10:07am on April 15, 2009, jade said…
is that so???that's okay nads.!!!
i'm sure ronnie will be all please to meet you in person.!!
the girl behind all those amazing work of arts,!!!:)

don't worry,,you're not alone.!!!
just graduated this morning too.!!
and now i'm one of every unemployed filipinos out there.!!!
hehe...anyway,,that's fine.!!!i'm still young though.!!!
At 8:09am on April 15, 2009, mabel17 said…
hey nadz!

the chat broke again! crazy chat!! @_@
chat with you later or when the chat is fixed...
got to go..laters!

~stay cool! keep safe! rock on!
At 11:06am on April 14, 2009, Randy Winter said…
hey there, what's up?
At 9:19am on April 14, 2009, Ysabel Francesca said…
Hello. :D
At 9:00am on April 14, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Nadz! :D, yeees, I was gonna tell you about Israel XD.
what the heck is wrong with that chat ;\

sleep well my friend ;)

At 8:34am on April 14, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
I can't write on the chat :(.
At 6:51am on April 13, 2009, jade said…
me too,!!
that's all i've been waiting for,!!
and next time,,i gonna bring the best digicam i can afford.!!!
my phone sucks during the trinoma concert..!!!i didn't get to have their pix while
they were performing.!!!but i did meet them during the meet and greet,,:)

anyway,,congratz..!!!you've just graduated.!!!
i've read it from mabel17's page.!!!
At 7:30am on April 12, 2009, Mariel said…
i followed u on twitter. what the heck is twitter btw? i just joined bec i decided to jump on the wagon but honestly, i dont even know what the hell am i supposed to do on twitter???? *sigh*
At 6:09am on April 12, 2009, jade said…
me too,,i love that song,,,,and hard to say's kinda relaxing.!!:)
yup,,that's right,!!it's just that,they're making a big fuss out of it.!!!
so,,i really get irritated sometimes..hehe..but i still love them,,,

anyway,,just wanna let you know you're so cool..!!!
i like you the best here in alliance...aside from loving RJA so much,,im really glad you're still into some other bands' songs..!!!
but just like you've said,,no other bands' songs hit us so hard this much..!!!
i'm so into them.!!

hope they could come back again right??
At 10:08am on April 10, 2009, Joy Donabel said…
the chat is really confusing i must say... hahahah
At 9:14am on April 10, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
anytime ;). ohhhh hun, that's totally frustrating. haha, a time machine ^^

that's cool. ummm's more like, doing it cause I want to, but also cause I have to, and kinda got no choice. only girls which are way much religious can avoid army. though they are doing national services instead.








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