NADz XD's Comments

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At 2:26am on May 3, 2009, Joy Donabel said…
i'm glad you're ok now... ",v

been on a vacation for a couple of days... chad already posted about the meet... that's great... hope that a lot of members will join....

take care....
At 5:32pm on April 27, 2009, Ysabel Francesca said…
Hi again Ate Nadz!

Good luck! I'm confident that you're going to pass the exams. :)

You're a Twerd too? Yay! :D Same here, I thought I was the only one too until Liron mentioned "Edward". I was like, "wow!"

November... I'm excited too! 7 months to go! :( I read somewhere na there will be more Jacob in it. Actually, I don't like Jacob that much. I just like Taylor Lautner. :) But I'm Team Edward! Wish I had my own Edward... :))

I just had my first Twilight saga book last April 24. I bought New Moon. :) I was going to buy Twilight, but I thought next time na lang since I've already seen the movie. Chapter 5 pa lang ako pero I can't wait to buy Eclipse and Breaking Dawn next month. :) Have you finished reading the whole series?

TC my friend! <3
At 11:08am on April 27, 2009, Joy Donabel said…
it may be moved to may 24 because of my sched and mabel's too....
i hope you'll feel better soon!!!!! muah muah!
At 2:52am on April 26, 2009, Joy Donabel said…
are you free during weekends?so we can start earlier....hehehe.....the most probable date is may 9... i'll be in the province during the holiday...and maybe some will be somewhere else that day too...
At 11:18am on April 25, 2009, Joy Donabel said…
are we the first set of people "who met up"?..... hmmm.....seems like it.... you know what i mean i hope.... hehehe.... ",v
At 9:30am on April 24, 2009, Joy Donabel said…
nadz...thanks for uploading the photos!!!!! we are all beautiful!!!! hahaha!!!!
At 8:06am on April 24, 2009, Leanne said…
hei,nadz...really had so much fun...hope next time would be as pretty sure about that..hehe...
At 2:40am on April 24, 2009, xent said…
me too...nxt time again...hahaha:)

thanks for the time too
At 10:46pm on April 23, 2009, Mariel said…
i saw the pictures! it seemed that u guys had so much fun! sayang. *sulk*
At 2:46pm on April 23, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
oh well, what can I say. i'm so happy for all of you whom got to meet each other :D, and I also said it to Mabell :). fun indeed!

ahhh..waking up. me either. I want to sleep all the time XD
looool! some day :P

ahhh..wish it was summer vacation.i'm all back to school after the vavcation I had, now it's time to give the last push for the final exams, then to rest a little before i'll start that service in the army.
At 11:14am on April 23, 2009, Joy Donabel said…
i'm super happy nads!!!!! i had so much fun!!!! really looking forward to meeting you guys again!!!! and do the "project"! hahahah!!!!!
At 11:01am on April 23, 2009, mabel17 said…
hey nadinadz!!!

i had so much fun earlier! and im still hyped until now! haha..
it was so great to finally met and talked with you guys in person!
i love to meet you again soon!!!

i'll grab the photos when you uploaded it ha? thanks..haha
At 10:43am on April 23, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Heyyyy, that's great! i'm happy for you :D
yeeeees! Long Live The Alliance! :)

my day was okay, boring, as usual xD
how's everything?
At 10:42am on April 23, 2009, chadizta said…
it's marlon not marion hahah..
me too...
i hope may kasunod pa un..
mag organize sana ulit c ate joy...
grab ko na lang ung ibang pics sau..hehe
At 11:10pm on April 22, 2009, Mariel said…
and again its no problem. hope to catch u online again soon. =)
At 6:45am on April 22, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
hahah..very nice! i'm okay.. you?
At 1:29pm on April 21, 2009, Ysabel Francesca said…
Oh... What's your course? Good luck on your review classes! :)

Take care always! :)
At 2:38pm on April 20, 2009, naomi. said…
yea my child development exam went really well.. we had 2 hrs to write it, and i was done in 20 minutes. xD
& i got perfect on one of my assignments.. it just happened to be one of the assignments i finished in 20 minutes. lol. xD

im not looking forward to tomorrow or wednesday ... coz those are the subjects im not exactly.. thriving in. :P

but its okk. haha.

and i wish it was warm hereeee =O
it's been raining for the past 2 days. =[
At 6:25am on April 20, 2009, Mariel said…
hahaha, i thank u too for being such a comfy outlet for my rants today. i really enjoyed sharing thoughts with you. and thank you for letting me know you a little bit better. it really made my day. im looking forward to chatting with you again and i really really hope to meet u.

if ever we wont be able to come this wed for the meet and greet, we'll surely arrange our own one soon. =)

thanks and kissses!
At 5:25am on April 20, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Yes! of course. always here for each other. <3
awe, thank you my friend. too. .keep my chin up! :)

just like my sister and me ;\ how old is she? haha sisters...








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