Maggie!Mayhem!'s Comments

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At 1:31am on December 27, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
bwahahahahaha!! first post in forever!!! :)
At 3:52pm on April 27, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
do you still remember what it was you wanted to tell me? lolz
At 1:26pm on March 16, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
thats awesome hun
At 12:07pm on March 6, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
lol it seems like that XD
but really, i've been asking every one this and NO ONE knows how get a guy to stop like liking you and still be friends, i mean i got a bf to just be a friend so why cant i do this??!!!!!!!! i mean jeeeez...-.- lol i'm glad your fine ^^ and thanks for trying to help me out =] it means alot =] ;] have a good one ^^
At 7:48pm on February 24, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
thank you ^^
btw how are you?
and i need a really good way to get a guy to stop liking me -.-
lol anyway lugz ya byes ^^
At 3:54pm on February 12, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
awww well that sucks but there will be someone else along the way later yah know? haha! i found myself doing the whole scene kid deal, but it's all good. i just keep it real, but though i may look it its still just my own personal style so idc what people call me im just me.
At 3:52pm on February 5, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
that sucks completely. sorry to hear but thats good hope he can go
At 3:49pm on January 29, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
thats so awesome hun. are yall going out????????
At 12:19pm on January 26, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
thats awesome! :]
At 3:38pm on January 25, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
totally! lolz! so how have you been?
At 8:35am on January 23, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
sorryies been busy. i got pics up on my myspace and here though until i can send one :p
At 4:08pm on January 22, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
i dont think i did! lolz!
At 3:51pm on January 21, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
lmao! nice nice! :D
At 3:43pm on January 13, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
lolz! nice! yah send it! haha! did you already get it done? cuz i gotta get mine done this saturday instead of when i thought, but its w.e!
At 4:09pm on January 10, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
lolz! nice! is it that one you sent me a pic of a while back? i can do drastic! lolz! i love it it makes me a better person! lmao
At 1:37am on January 9, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
actually i dont know what you mean. with me i like the WAH BAAM look! lmao! i was going for that last time and it pissed me off when erica didnt do enough contrast between the darker color and the blonde and not enough red! lolz! i want coontails sooooo bad! haha! awww bummer
At 1:31pm on January 6, 2010, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
i figuired with the hair thing. ima get mine done prolly in the next 2 days :) yay! bad thing:idk what ima do exactly yet! lolz!
At 12:12pm on December 28, 2009, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
Hay, how go's it? and what did you get for Christmas?
At 2:21am on December 24, 2009, MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY said…
thats rad! im trying to get mine done here pretty soon. i wanna have mine colored black and with just a few platinum highlights. like another scene look.
At 6:02am on December 23, 2009, bloody moon girl said…








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