Kanela's Comments

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At 8:03am on April 6, 2009, kimmy said…
yeah it from the first song they sing on the first movie!!!!
"it's the start of something new. it feels so right to be here with you. ooh..."
hehehe. i'm absolutely riveted and i'm wetting myself in anticipation!!!
*high level of sarcasticness in that sentence*
At 7:38am on April 6, 2009, kimmy said…
hahahaha. typical mums *rolls eyes*
uuurrrrggghhghhhgjgrfsjknalcvjnewoIUHJKNGVJREWIPA... not high school musical...njvfqajnvgfrijowaijnsvfjdioajinvd.
yeah i'll go see him some day...dunno when but...yeah i'll get around to it.
At 2:11pm on April 5, 2009, naomi. said…
haha i do not have any close friends... nor do i want any.
every time i let somebody close enough to be a "close friend" they stabbed me in the back, and frankly, i don't wanna do it again. :)
At 2:00pm on April 5, 2009, naomi. said…
it does remind me of cat & mouse.
but thats one song.
they have like.. 50 billion other songs about staying positive no matter how crappy life gets & shitt.
and thenn. when you can't stay positive, it makes you feel fucked up.
At 1:57pm on April 5, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…

and Always WILL! No Matter what!!! do you hear me?! <3333333
At 1:53pm on April 5, 2009, naomi. said…
you gotta admit that they don't make sense sometimes. =[
you just like.. wanna stay positive so bad, and in turn you get really frustrated when something goes wrong..
and then you really just get pulled under..and by then you feel sooooooo hopeless... its depressing.
At 1:44pm on April 5, 2009, naomi. said…
i do wonder if the members of rja have anything this difficult going on in their lives... they just always seem so happy, and staying positive comes soo easily to them..
but if it comes down to someone else following their philosophies it seems near impossible.
likeee.. im not saying their lives are perfect, by any means... coz nobody should make assumptions like that.
i just wanna know how they deal with stuff like this. =/
At 1:42pm on April 5, 2009, you. said…
yup, and i think they're even moving the age for driving back a year soon, so i guess im actually lucky.
At 1:36pm on April 5, 2009, you. said…
i think we get ours in a few years...18 maybe? i dunno i dont pay enough attention to the world to know or care. i still have to wait another 9 months for my drivers liscense, so im kinda stuck too
At 1:35pm on April 5, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Of course! I love you! honestly, like the lil sis i've always wanted!
At 1:31pm on April 5, 2009, naomi. said…
shes really trying to be strong tho... its easy to tell.
either that, or shes in denial.
she keeps saying she's ok with it, and the fact that this is her 2nd miscarriage is just a sign that she isn't supposed to have kids yet.
i kinda got her hooked on the whole.. 'everything happens for a reason' philosophy, awhile ago..
her boyfriend does have a 4 yr old but of course, its with another girl.... and he ended up getting custody of him... so now shes raising his kid..
which is really screwed up as well.... >_/body>
At 1:28pm on April 5, 2009, you. said…
oh that sucks! haha but at least youll get to drive soon.
At 1:27pm on April 5, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
I love you more! <33333333
At 1:24pm on April 5, 2009, you. said…
well happy early birthday, whenever your birthday is!
At 1:21pm on April 5, 2009, naomi. said…
i dunno. its hard to tell over msn, but ill be seeing her at the college tomorrow, so it'll be easier to tell.
i have a feeling shes still feeling uber crappy tho. :(
At 1:19pm on April 5, 2009, you. said…
i understand. but once it gets better, you will be so much happier than you were before, believe me. its all a matter of time.
At 1:16pm on April 5, 2009, naomi. said…
noooooo i dont wanna bet. coz i know they will. :P
At 1:11pm on April 5, 2009, naomi. said…
yesss i did, as a matter of fact.
i still need to feed me tho. :P
At 1:02pm on April 5, 2009, you. said…
yay, im glad. i always kinda worry that im making myself look like a jerk or something, but im glad i didnt quite do that i guess.
At 7:57am on April 5, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Yeees! long hair *sigh* love it!
my Kanelly <3, I just can't help it. I don't understand WTF is going on!
I mean, seriously? you're not telling me something. you're hiding things.
I can feel it. you're not clear at all. please, tell me. I can't stand to read it, and think about all the things you are going through. it hurts me too much.

I Love You!!!! <33333333


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