MeAgAn MiSaNtHrOpY's Comments

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At 5:29pm on April 29, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
It was that we're moing. But, you already know that. xD
At 1:27am on March 17, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
Hellz yeah!!!
Hey, text me if you can.
I've got something important to tell you.
At 7:43pm on February 24, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
We hung out the day before valentines day. Hes awesome.
I love being scene-ish. My friend and I have decided that her and i are gonna start our own scene modeling company called deathGORGEOUS.
At 7:54pm on February 6, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
:( he was busy this weekend. He told me we should try next weekend. But, if that doesnt happen, I'm just gonna give up. It isnt worth my time...
Dude, you should text me. I have pics I wanna show you. They aren't uplaoded yet.

(PS: I'm like slowly transforming into a scene kid... And, I'm actually ok with it...)
At 12:17pm on February 1, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
I wish :( I was suppose to go to the movies with him on Saturday, but I started puking Friday night, so I couldn't go :( I'm gonna see if he wants to go this weekend though...
At 10:34pm on January 28, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
Omg... Dude, he's soooooo amazing :D Like, my friend and I made our own "perfect guy" discriptions, and he fits mine, like perfectly
At 12:01am on January 26, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
Happy!!! Omg... I met a guy :D
At 3:44pm on January 23, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
Lol. It's all cool. No harm done :)
At 11:55pm on January 22, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
I sent another pic, just incase... Lol.
You still need to send me a pic of your hair :P
At 5:20pm on January 21, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
Lol. Did you get the pic of my hair?
At 8:27pm on January 19, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
Yeah, we already got it done. And went with the original hairstyle. My friend did my hair and shes in 7th grade. Its awesome. I cant stop playing with it.
At 9:13pm on January 10, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
No. I changed my mind. I found a different one. Lol. Well, I think that's what we're talking about. I'll send it to you, if you want. :) Lol, and I know it'll work for me because I have the same shaped face as the chick in the picture :)
At 1:57pm on January 9, 2010, Alana said…
heyy nm just got up, watching tv and talking to people! :P
At 1:51pm on January 9, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
It wouldn't look good on me, if it was like really drastic. The one I want is like moderately drastic, but its not like "OH MY GOD!" Lol. :)
At 10:58pm on January 6, 2010, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
Aw. Cuteness. I definantely want pics :) I have to wait to get my hair done. It really sucks, but its whatever. I'm kinda having second thoughts about how I want my hair. I've wanting one that abit more drastic, but not like "WAH-BAAM!", you know?
At 4:53pm on January 6, 2010, Alana said…
At 3:02pm on January 6, 2010, Oliviasmommy <3 said…
hi thnks for joining
At 12:07pm on December 28, 2009, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
i hope so. I had a dream of him last night. it was raining and i was running from something or some one, I fell. He was there, grabed my hands and held me close to him. We were looking in to each others eyes, then i woke up =[ but then the odd thing i fell back asleep, and i had a dream of a vampier, I was sleeping in a room, a BIG room, the bed was next to the back wall, The vampier came in, eyes glowing red, teeth showing, i had gotten (some how idk how) on the big stone door frame ,He walked under and i jumped on him. Then i woke up. idk what these dreams mean, but i do know that they must mean something cuz when i wake up, i cant stop thinking of them. well any ways , was Santa good to you? ;] lugz ya byes =]
At 12:28am on December 24, 2009, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
How would you change it?
OMG!!! I might be able to get my hair done like really soon!!!
I looked up this hair salon on google, and told my mom the prices. So, hopefully I can get it down soon :)
At 8:44pm on December 22, 2009, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
=[ well i have him in my dreams at least....








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