Catherine's Comments

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At 8:48pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
some people I just can't stand. Just because you talk to him your in "fangirl love" with him? that is so stupid. I could tell right then she was a fangirl.
At 8:40pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
um. i love them too but i hope you know I don't like fangirls.
At 8:36pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
my week was so uneventful. the last concert I went to was in October to see TAI. l loved it. glad your week was good.
At 8:29pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
yah. i am so sure i have felt like that. last week was so slow. it dragged on forever.
At 8:22pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
I really like Friday Will Never Come. I dont know why but there is something about it that makes me like it more. You have a youtube account? add me :)
At 8:13pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
oh thats cool. i wanna join a band but school is demanding so I can't right now. it would be so cool if you did play then. you would have to get someone to take a video of you so I could see lol:)
At 8:02pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
you are in a band? cool whats the band name?
At 5:57pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
um. there are many places I would love to go... France, Australia, New Zealand (you can guess why), England. probably more that I cant think of.
At 5:36pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
yah they do lol. quick question: if you could go to one place at anytime in your life where would it be and why?
At 5:25pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
tis so cool you can talk to them in person. Since l live in America i can't do that
At 5:18pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
thats so cool. MCR are really cool and i havent seen them yet but my friend has and she loved it. I wanna see False Start so badly. they are so cool
At 5:11pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
lol. im on this, buzznet, aim, msn, and yahoo.
At 5:04pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
i added u on myspace
At 4:49pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
haha thats great. yah i have a myspace.
At 4:45pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
lol thanks. all you have to do is look under their defaut pic. their should be a link with a plus sign that says :"Add as Friend" and you just click that.
At 4:37pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
OMG i love you and them but thank you. can i add you?
At 4:32pm on December 8, 2007, theonesuluvrcircled said…
They are touring the US next year? OMG *spazzes* I HAVE TO SEE THEM. lol im sorry.








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