Caitlin's Comments

Comment Wall (36 comments)

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At 10:12pm on January 5, 2008, slade said…
im not gay, im strait
At 8:55pm on December 21, 2007, joshua said…
ohh, okay
At 11:15pm on December 20, 2007, joshua said…
yeah, but idk ur last name
At 10:41pm on December 20, 2007, slade said…
hey lol!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 5:34pm on December 20, 2007, joshua said…
so...anything else u wanna talk about...
At 3:34pm on December 20, 2007, [<3RJA]Cheese![~Janice~][ILT] said…
Haha yeah, I can tell. xD
At 2:06pm on December 20, 2007, [<3RJA]Cheese![~Janice~][ILT] said…
No, not really. My school sucks real bad. But not as bad as yours sounds. xD
At 10:35am on December 20, 2007, joshua said…
ok, lol, i will send u a friend request on myspace
At 11:21pm on December 19, 2007, slade said…
At 11:14pm on December 19, 2007, slade said…
14,wont to go to the movies LOL PLEASE!!!!!!!
At 10:18pm on December 19, 2007, Devon said…
hey wats up no problem!!!!
At 10:07pm on December 19, 2007, joshua said…
ohh, ok, wat ur email so i can add u on myspace
At 9:06pm on December 19, 2007, joshua said…
ohh, kool...were both in the same do i change my top friends? im gonna put u up higher on my friend list
At 8:40pm on December 19, 2007, joshua said…
8th, wat grade u in?
At 8:01pm on December 19, 2007, joshua said…
same here somtimes, lol
At 3:46pm on December 19, 2007, Kimberly said…
haha thats what i used to think!!! it does hurt but i guess you just get used to it lol.
At 3:04pm on December 19, 2007, Melissa said…
My parents are divorced. Years ago, my younger brother and I used to spend the mornings with my dad and the afternoon with my mom. The past few years my mom has been in Florida for Christmas so we are with my dad all day. This year, I am going to see one of my best friend's and her family on Christmas. Should be cool.
At 2:36pm on December 19, 2007, Melissa said…
That's cool. Do you have any plans?
At 7:51am on December 19, 2007, joshua said…
thats kool,, im learning how to play guitar too, i like talking to people online, ffotball, a little baseball, and mainly skateboarding and stuff.
At 1:10am on December 19, 2007, [<3RJA]Cheese![~Janice~][ILT] said…
Haha yeah it's already started. XD No, I go to a public school but my school is the only one in the county that gets 2 weeks off. =]








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Questions....=) 116 Replies

Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.

5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

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Lets play a game 418 Replies

Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.

Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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