LOLO's Comments

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At 9:26pm on May 20, 2010, Kenny said…
hey lore, what it do? wadd up its been a long time how you been?
At 11:34am on April 18, 2010, Alana said…
lmaoo pretty much the same here. :/
whats wrong? :S
At 9:56pm on April 17, 2010, Alana said…
im okay :/
how about you?? :)
At 4:05pm on April 13, 2010, Alana said…
heey whats up?
At 10:06am on April 4, 2010, Punkin' said…
LOLO!!!!!!!!!! You are back! I thought I'd never talk to you again. ::pounce hugs:: I miss you x's 1930480298409820429.
At 9:29pm on January 14, 2010, Punkin' said…
LOREE!!! i miss you so terribly much.
At 4:12pm on March 25, 2009, Punkin' said…
Im so sorry lOLO I miss you. Im always here. Im so sorry to hear that.
At 6:15pm on March 19, 2009, Punkin' said…
i miss you...where have you been?
At 12:00pm on March 9, 2009, Samantha-Lynn said…
Love the new hair! Why dont I see you on no more?
At 10:14am on October 31, 2008, Jay said…
You look formiliar, do you have a Jango page? If you dont mind me asking.
At 3:00am on September 18, 2008, Punkin' said…
Im good. Just hangin out. It's 2:59 in the
At 6:21pm on September 17, 2008, Punkin' said…
how chica
I miss you.
How is school now?
At 12:30pm on September 17, 2008, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
lol ! me too :)
love ya <3
At 5:58pm on September 15, 2008, Punkin' said…
its cool i hope to see you in here again soon.
At 7:48am on September 11, 2008, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
I wanted RJA and All time low :(
it's not fair at all!
geez Britany was so stupid!!!!
i wanted to spank her! =\
well i was just here . doing nothing lol.
and u ?

lova ya girl :) xx
At 1:22am on September 10, 2008, Punkin' said…
miss my lolo.

HAHA well I'll be on the alliance as soon as I can. I promise!!
Im having withdrawals with my chat crew
At 8:22am on September 9, 2008, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
U'r welcome girl. glad u'r feeling better:)
me too! i was waiting like carzy all day for
the red carpet and no Alex =O
and yea ofcourse i'm sure cuz he wrote
about it and he added videos .
go the this link and you'll see. was ok. u liked it?
i was also pissed cuz of that. 3 awards! =\
At 1:47pm on September 8, 2008, Punkin' said…
LOLO my summer was great. I went to a hecka bunch of warped tours.
and stuff. exciting...california was the best part.
I miss you =(
At 7:08am on September 8, 2008, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
LOL i'm good :) , hope you'll feel better babe.
OMG did u see Alex on the red carpet? cuz i totally didn't!!!
I mean what happend? he posted on buzznet in the
band's page that is going to be the host of the red carpet.
he even ask the fans for questions =O
so where the hell was he ?
At 11:36am on September 7, 2008, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Yea it sucks LOL but it worth it!!!:)
u got the good hours = D
Grrr I love Alll time low too!!!!
Alex & Jack i want to kidnap them lol =]

so what have u been doin' ?

love ya @ # =]








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