Brie S.'s Comments

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At 10:50am on February 19, 2011, Alana said…
heyy yeah I didn't know who it was at first then I looked at the pic and thought it was u :P
At 6:23am on January 1, 2011, Kimberly Braulio said…
happy new year . *hug*
At 4:31am on December 25, 2010, Kimberly Braulio said…

hi brie .. sorry for the late response .. im just kinda busy at school.

cant visit my account oftenly .. how are u? d'ya have facebook?

At 5:04pm on December 23, 2010, Alana said…

OMG u have been busy. What was the commercial for? wooow and i thought i was busy. ur going to be very successful when ur older...well right now too :P wat do u have to do at the mall?

lmaoo i've done that b4. its fun but i probably got a cold in the end too. i'm fighting a cold right now but its not as bad as yours, my throat hurts and thats it :P

At 1:25pm on December 19, 2010, Alana said…


i know :D

Im pretty good wbu? Im glad it's the christmas break :P

At 12:03am on October 18, 2010, Kimberly Braulio said…
hey brie! sup? you look really beautiful ♥
At 11:08am on July 24, 2010, Alana said…
lmaoo deff. well i'll think about it :P maybe i'll beg to do both :P
At 4:46pm on July 22, 2010, Alana said…
awww thx :) well i wish i could sing :D OHH i have a choice to either learn how to play piano or guitar and idk what to pick :S what one would u pick?? :P
At 4:32pm on July 16, 2010, Alana said…
well its rele cute. well thats helpful 4 skool :P
im okayy :/ i've been babysitting over the summer and its kinda stressful but i get paid :3
wbu? how r u doing? what r u up to this summer?? :)
At 4:48pm on July 15, 2010, Alana said…
heyy!! :D did u get a hair cut ^^^
its soooo cute :D
At 5:12am on July 14, 2010, Kimberly Braulio said…
hey! u really look good to your picture !!
sup? how u doin ??
At 10:33am on June 13, 2010, Mari said…
hey!!!!! whats up i know it been a while but how have you been doing??!!??
At 5:48pm on June 10, 2010, syd said…
omg jealous!!! im graaduating 2moro yay!!!! it is such an over reaction at my school they act like it is high school or college graduation lol im lik people we r 15 and 14 no 1 cares bout us
At 5:18pm on June 6, 2010, syd said…
aw bro that sucks ima really stressed and got headaches too i have exams all week bleh.
At 9:05am on June 6, 2010, Kimberly Braulio said…
haha , aw! our science teacher is a girl , and she's so unreasonable ,, when she got mad , we're just saying , "she's menopausal" haha
At 1:02am on June 5, 2010, Kimberly Braulio said…
oowwh!! i only did skip once , in my 2nd year bcuz my ex bf have diffrent school , but it only happened once , and ya , i hate to sit the whole one hour for science , that sucks!
At 4:20pm on June 3, 2010, syd said…
hey gurl hey!!!! we hvnt talkd in so long i miss thy!!! please chat me up asap
At 5:32am on June 2, 2010, Kimberly Braulio said…
such a long time of schooling you have ..
wow! you're great !! congrats .. xD
At 8:47pm on June 1, 2010, Kimberly Braulio said…
then you're probably in sophomore if you're here , we graduate here at the age of 16..

wow! thats cool!! i've never had a solo for all my life .. good luck then .. (:
At 4:29am on June 1, 2010, Kimberly Braulio said…
oohh , if you're here in philippines ur already freshmen .. (:








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