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Janus's Comments
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And I feel bad for leaving you that comment.
You DIDN'T remember it, because you had to ask me what happend to your life?
And am I really supposed to know, I just made that stuff up!
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Okay, I do, but I'm going to pretend that I don't...
Fo' real'z.
That good time must not have been such a good timne becase you don't even remember it!
So if one day in the future I'm walking down the populated city streets and a flaming motorcycle hits me on the head, then I sha'll know it was you!
And if that's the way that you want to die, then I'd love to see it happen.
Your life went down the drain. No the toilete.
Because you spent all your money on strippers old man. And a "good time".
You're losing your memory already, eh?
So now you're an old man and a theif?
You steal song of the internet, also?
ah ha.
Okay, I think everyone does that.
I do.
So is one day in the future I'm walking down the populated city streets and a flaming motorcycle hits me on the jead, then I sha'll know it was you!
And if that's the way that you want to die, then I'd love to see it happen.
Your life went down the drain. No the toilete.
Because you spent all your money on strippers old man. And a "good time".
You're losing your memory already, eh?
So now you're an old man and a theif?
You steal song of the internet, also?
ah ha.
Okay, I think everyone does that.
I do.
Or I'll type in some of the lyics on google, and it will give me song title. And Artist.
You think I'm crazy?!
ah ha.
Okay, but If I'm crazy then you're like an old man. {that made no sense.}
You should not have a myspace account old man.
hit the lights.
Ahhh. I think I'm going to have to add a couple of their songs on my profile...
"You're gonna need a body bag,
I'll break bones you didn't know you had"
I love that songgg.
ah ha.
I don't even know what I was saying.
I listen to the good stuff. Mostly bands like Drop Dead, Gorgeous... Hit the Lights... theRedJumpsuitApparatus... but most of the bands that I listen to I don't even know their name.
I guess we're cool though.
Because we listen to cool and weird music.
Oh YEAH! I meant to say Janvs.
It's okay that you sent me such a short comment.
I like short comments, too!
What a shame.
I was named after a little girl who lived with her grandfather [The movie "Heidi"] hah! So mine's not really special like yours.
I guess that you should say it that way.
Since Simba's older, eh?
But I was going more along the lines of better singers.
And yeahhh.
Out of all of their albums I can only stand to listen to a few songssss.
[I was talking about your blog... The one with the song lyrics for "cute withought the 'e' cut from the team in it.]
I almost said cute without the tea.
I don't know why.
I love getting and sending long comments.
I lovelovelovelovelove them. My favorite band, and if you like good music then you'll like them.
I promise.
And I like the lion king.
Simba has an amazing voice.
He's like the next Adam Lazzara.
I think...
Okay. I saw that song thing on your profile...
And I only like Taking Back Sunday.
Most of their song's I laugh attt.
Janus is a pretty name.
I'm really bored, so sorry if you don't like long comments.
Let's see. I'm sitting here. Typing to you because you look like a pretty cool person to type to.
Ang I'm listening to Drop Dead, Gorgeous getting ready for nothing, you? (Acctually Im getting ready to watch the lion kinggggg! Helll'zzzz yeah.)
[Btw, since I sent you a somwhat longgg comment you better send me one backkk. or you don't have to...]
yeah tonight is the first night i havent been loaded down with school work in a long time... so tis a night off for meh! sweeeeet!
sry to hear that
haha not too much just kinda messing around on here and myspace..
and what about you?
nm here just bored
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