Savannah[Apparatus]'s Comments

Comment Wall (33 comments)

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At 3:13am on October 20, 2009, ajay parihar said…
hi sweetie.....
At 6:55am on February 5, 2009, JhEi-ZeE said…
hi,, zup?
At 8:38pm on January 1, 2009, gavin said…
hey wats up
At 1:34am on November 9, 2008, Tony Drums said…
hello , add me
At 6:33pm on November 8, 2008, jessica.jellybean:) said…
sorry it took me soo long to reply to your request.
xD I've just now logged in and haven't been on since March 07'
At 5:50pm on October 13, 2008, natalie said…
nice pic!! =P
At 9:56am on August 9, 2008, wiwit said…
At 4:18pm on July 20, 2008, Marie said…
omg this is fabulous!
lots of love~!
At 1:26am on April 25, 2008, maricris said…
i was like kidding around on one of the discussions, the one with what's ur fav rja member, i kinda mentioned staci to have a duet with ronnie! That's why I was kinda surprised to see this.=)
At 3:55am on April 7, 2008, maricris said…
They really had a duet! I've been waiting for this haha When and where was this??=D
At 1:36am on April 7, 2008, Sarah Apparatus said…
Awww Stacey is so nervous in your video
At 7:41pm on March 31, 2008, Sarah [APPARATUS] said…
thanks :)
At 6:51pm on March 25, 2008, Just_A_Face said…
It goes pretty well! We're preparing to leave for Texas on Thursday, and it's down the East Coast after that. How are things for you? Hope all is well, take care!

At 8:40pm on March 18, 2008, Brandon said…
hahaha. well thank you :). im actually making dinner too =D.....and probably should be cleaning cause my rooms a mess from having friends over.
At 8:29pm on March 18, 2008, Brandon said…
np =P. whatsup?
At 7:11pm on March 18, 2008, Distilled Beauty said…
thanks for the add
At 11:10pm on March 14, 2008, Andrew said…
hey when you get a chance i added some vids of me playing some redjumpsuit onto my page check em out and tell me what you think please ... thank you
At 9:47pm on March 14, 2008, PatboneS said…
tnx for accepting me luv u .... heheheh
At 6:53pm on March 13, 2008, Nicole Apparatus. said…
Hey ! No problem. : )
And thanks !

I'm great, thanks. Spring Break is next week. woo, no school ! haha.
How are you ?
At 8:33pm on March 12, 2008, Paige. said…
thanks for the add!








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Questions....=) 116 Replies

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5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

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Lets play a game 418 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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