RJA's Comments

Comment Wall (58 comments)

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At 11:26pm on March 5, 2013, Isabella Santoro said…

love you guys so much

At 8:27am on April 3, 2012, georgianna marie Brossoit said…

hey whats up have fun !

At 12:41am on October 02, 2011, Alyana Aguilera gave RJA a gift
At 6:44pm on February 25, 2011, Janine gave RJA a gift
At 3:56am on August 29, 2010, Bill Taylor said…
im already waiting for the next album
At 12:47pm on July 27, 2010, Makenna Caitlin said…
I'm pumped for your new album:)
At 11:25am on June 16, 2010, Mari said…
hey just want to let you know that you're still the best!
At 6:32am on April 2, 2010, Kimberly Braulio said…
hope u already has a music vid. for Godspeed.
At 10:47pm on February 27, 2010, Randy Winter said…
At 9:04pm on February 8, 2010, Leafy Greens said…
hey, is there an official video for Godspeed?
At 2:29am on November 26, 2009, Christie said…
Happy Thanksgiving =0)
At 4:22am on October 28, 2009, rach said…
ill take that as a no...
At 8:21pm on October 22, 2009, naomi. gave RJA a gift
At 2:06am on September 17, 2009, Johana said…
hello guys! Your music is amazing, kisses from Chile
At 2:44am on September 14, 2009, jeremae said…
Take car3e always ok???May Gog bless you..
At 9:03pm on September 12, 2009, Abhu said…
hey great music can't wait for the next cd
At 2:38am on September 2, 2009, rach said…
ps. do you guys even get on here?
At 2:37am on September 2, 2009, rach said…
haha reading my last post and i sound like an asshole. their should totally be different fonts for different tones. everything reads way more harsh then its intended to be.
At 7:41pm on August 11, 2009, Ashley Coulon said…
so us kids in forsyth/dawson county are wondering if u can possibly come to our memorial show for our good friend Kolton who died in April. We are holding this to raise awareness of distracted driving, to benefit your charity, and to help Kolton's mom who is a single mother and having troubles financialy. It would be super fantastic if u came and played or just attended as we need some sort of draw for people to come. Please Please Please get back to me. Ya'll inspire us so much and we would love to make this happen. We have lost a total of 10 kids in the dawson county and forsyth county area due to distracted driving in just this past year. You can see an interview with kolton that we made just 3 days before he died. He has talked me and numerous friends out of suicide and since hes been gone it feels like life is just falling apart. he meant the world to us,he was our guardian angel,our brother and now hes gone. We want to raise awareness of our situations so other kids dont have to feel this horrible pain. Thank you
At 1:52am on July 31, 2009, rach said…
super bitter that i missed the july 4th show because i had no ride. i need more prep time then a couple days to get my shit in order. working when you could be at a red jumpsuit concert is a great big bag of gay. their should be some kind of early warning system in place, like an email or a post card or a fucking carrier pigeon or some shit. just throwin a few ideas out there.


Spotify http://spotify.redjumpsuit.com

Apple http://apple.redjumpsuit.com

Google http://google.redjumpsuit.com

Amazon http://amazon.redjumpsuit.com

FREE http://free.redjumpsuit.com


PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


Questions....=) 116 Replies

Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.

5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

Started by Megan (34,725 miles for RJA) in Uncategorized. Last reply by rjasnumberonefan Jul 3, 2014.

Lets play a game 418 Replies

Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.

Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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