Kat's Comments

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At 7:12am on November 12, 2008, Randy Winter said…
hey there, what up? ;)
At 8:52pm on April 10, 2008, Vince said…
haha...glad u liked it...i know, the script was dumb..hahah fight for wat is lefr, right , up and down...lol :D but heck it turnd out fine :)
At 4:32pm on April 6, 2008, Shahim said…
yeah. well ur lucky cuz my holidays are jus over. skool is like tmro, it suckz big time. hope u enjoy ur summer:). keep kool
At 9:21pm on April 5, 2008, Vince said…
uhm yea...sorry for that one day lol...i was sleeping my ass off cuz we were singing our hearts out in a ktv bar the night before...kinda like a office outing of some sorts :D
At 3:05am on April 4, 2008, Vince said…
yea...kinda sad but im okay now...V-Dizzle is too fly to be depressed :D
At 11:43pm on April 2, 2008, Vince said…
K-Dub!! fo sho u rock as well homegirl :D
At 11:10pm on April 2, 2008, Ryne said…
yeah i do....rynoram2005
At 6:34pm on April 1, 2008, Fish,Mike The said…
gots yahoo?
At 10:47pm on March 31, 2008, Fish,Mike The said…
im good,how are you?
At 5:02pm on March 31, 2008, Ryne said…
you have aim?
At 11:28pm on March 30, 2008, Shahim said…
everythingz kool, life goin arite 4 now well except for skool... its a hard knock life in there. lol. everything kool with u?
At 10:19pm on March 30, 2008, Fish,Mike The said…
hello to you too kat
At 3:20pm on March 30, 2008, Ryne said…
um nope its all melted away.. but i heard its gonna snow again like this week or something.. just when you think its done it always comes back.. snow gets SO OLD tho. really it does.

and yeah the sky is killer, how old were you when you moved over here from there?
At 3:10pm on March 30, 2008, Ryne said…
where would ya be then¿ ya its way sick up there.. i love just chillen and looking at the stars..

cant wait for warmth so i can be outside and do that again..
At 2:57pm on March 30, 2008, Ryne said…
i commented on my own page.. wow

where did you visit when you were up here?
ive only been to texas one time and couldnt say i loved it all that much.. maybe it was cuz we missed the red eye and had to sleep in a dirty hotel..
At 9:55am on March 30, 2008, Ryne said…
um not to bad. its cold tho so that sucks and there hasent been a good concert in a long ass time.. so really IT BLOWS HERE!!!! haha where you from?
At 1:49am on March 30, 2008, LOLO said…
uuu i bet u will..... hahhaha he wants some of that!!! he cant wait... lol
At 1:23am on March 30, 2008, LOLO said…
hahahahahahaah yea poor rakestraw he needs his meds... i feeel sorry for him.. i understand him.. with all of us crazy bitches in the house lol
At 1:17am on March 30, 2008, LOLO said…
lol yea poor teddy hahha hes on his meds he went crazy last night hahaha!!!
i know im still a lil but not that much
At 1:03am on March 30, 2008, LOLO said…
lol nnoooo sexxy teddy has to sleep lol hes not allowed here hahah im calmed... dont worry
are u nigga?


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