Brie S.'s Comments

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At 6:11am on May 31, 2010, Kimberly Braulio said…
oh , i was asking if you're already at the senior year ..
At 12:01am on May 27, 2010, Kimberly Braulio said…
wwooww! pretty awesome!!
i never got that score in my math subj. cause i hate math , but its not that i hate it so much , sometimes i find it interesting ..
uuhhm , ssoo , are u a senior girl ? (:
At 1:11am on May 26, 2010, Kimberly Braulio said…
ooh , me , im not doing anything, its our summer vacation here in philippines, so im pretty bored , cant go out with my friends cause they're all busy about their summer job. i'll be enrolling for my senior year probably tomorrow.. (:
At 6:39pm on May 22, 2010, Monique Barragan said…
Well Hi. :)
At 4:53am on May 18, 2010, Kimberly Braulio gave Brie S. a gift
hi, how are u?
At 4:42pm on May 11, 2010, Alana said…
At 4:42pm on May 11, 2010, Alana said…
woow!! i wisj i had a good voice :P
yeah i would get the teacher cause she can probably get ur voice even more amazing!! :DD
At 6:28pm on May 10, 2010, Alana said…
OHH GOOD JOB!! my friend went out 4 a singing comp like that and she made it past the first round but didnt make it past the second. well good job for making it that far. and yyeeesss always next year. im happy 4 u that u have a great voice :D do u take leasons or anything?
At 11:22pm on May 9, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
I'm sorry you didn't win <=/
oh and just the best place on earth ^^ Shanandoah crossings, i might have spelled it wrong it has alot of ananana's in it XD
how you doing girl?
if i don't reposed by the time you get home from school, then i'm gone aready =.=
At 9:38pm on May 9, 2010, syd said…
OMG WOMAN wut is goin on
i must no i am out of the loop on ur teen idol info tell me now.
u no wher 2 find my page...
At 10:22pm on May 8, 2010, Alana said…
heeyy wsp??
what did u win in ur pic? ^^
At 11:41am on May 8, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
:D:D:D:D i bet you do kick ass, you go girl!!!!
oh and they have dress thingy cuz MAYBE some people wear things that they need to learn HOW to sing in, like if you need help into it =.= (never been there, never will) so yeah lol. oh and i'm going on monday so i'll hopefully be able to learn how you did :D so yeah lol cya ^^ GOOD LUCK MY DUCK!!!!!!!!! lugz ya byes ^^ <3
At 2:48pm on May 7, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
Hay, what cha up to? how'd the fineles go? did i spell that right? i don't think so... .-. urh... i miss ya gewly >.< you better come on more XD
At 10:23pm on May 5, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
lol i understand...
At 7:23pm on May 4, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
lol i hope to see you on tv >:D
At 10:15pm on April 21, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
i fully understand.
btw your really pretty ^^ if i was gay..nah i'm just joking XD sooooooooooo yeah anyways i'm going to my 1st cert i cant wait ^^
At 4:43pm on April 19, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
i am ungroundeded
ttyl lol lugz ya
At 4:55pm on March 30, 2010, Alana said…
ummm.....its okay :P
At 11:05pm on March 29, 2010, Alana said…
heey! wsp?
i haven't talked to u in a while :D
how are you?
At 3:53pm on March 29, 2010, Jimmy Lauricella said…
hahaha. you had a lot of fun then. xD call me when ever you can again. love ya brie.








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