Every morning when you open your eyes thank God that you live another day!
We all have days that are trying on our minds, souls, inner-strength, and patience to deal with the hand we have been dealt. Fear not for you have others in this network to help you carry your burden and God always has time to listen. When you feel lonely, homesick, depressed there is always someone near to listen and support.
On our worst days it is so easy to feel sorry for ourselves but we are truely blessed. Many others in this world have no family, no friends, no food, no shelter, no clothes. So many innocents have to live in the middle of war. Peace has to start somewhere let it begin in you.
None of us are perfect, or better than others, although some see it a different way. None of us know it all. If you know everything then how will you grow in life. If you have love. You posses the greatest thing of all. If you give it to no one then you die with an empty soul. Each of us was created from love and peace.
Look at each day as a day to learn something new from others who may see things from a different perspective.
Not only live life but Sieze your days! Life is too short to sit around feeling sorry for yourself. Remember to take time to smell the roses, hug a tree, hell run naked on a private beach if you wish, but make sure you live your days fully. No one can be sure they will be alive to see tomorrow.
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