WARNING: This whole blog is centered around about 40 secs. of this 10 min video…so yea….


Every sunday night, i turn to Atlanta’s onw 750 WSB A.M. to listen to one of my favorite radio shows, The Allen Hunt Show, because im a sucker for great conversation. And this week was no different. The topic was about racism, and especially in this day and age, i thought it was a great topic to discuss. He even goes one step above the competition and posts his disscussions on youtube. Here is the racism one…
And while listening something abosolutley shocked me. At the 7:40 to 8:40 points in the video, he is talking about people wanting some POLITICAL CARTOONIST at the NY Times to get fired be cause he did his job. He did a cartoon about the stimulust bill (which is, in my opinion, only gonna put us further in economic hardships…but thats another blog) and he drew the author of the bill as a chimpanzee. Well, some people thought that this was a cheap-shot at President Obama and got outraged. In the video, there are clips of people who protested to get this guy fired. But there was one that stuck out and kinda pushed my button…

The guy (and not to be racist, but he sounded black) said something along the lines of “This is the President of the U.S.A. This is disrespectfull…” and a bunch of stuff of the sort. This really angered me. You might be asking, Fletch, why does it anger you so?

Ok, how many times did George W. Bush (not to mention everyother president we’ve ever had…but Bush more than others. Oh yea, he was white, I forgot about that) got crap by political cartoonists for stuff he did? Quite alot. And how many times did people protest? Yea, thats what i thought. Not once. But all of a sudden, we have a black president, and a political cartoon is made to take a shot at him (and, as you’ll learn in the video, it isnt even suposed to be about Mr. Obama) and the political cartoon cheapshot at the Prez. is off limits?!?!

Will this happen everytime Obama actually does something or screws up and a cartoonist wants to do his job about it?!

HELL NO!!!! I think people should realize that its possible to not like Obama cause he just doesn’t have great idea, and get over the race factor (like myself.) I think Mr. Allen Hunt was incredibly brave for putting the race issue out there…but quite frankly, with people like this in America…it will never go away. Infact, it might just get worse

The Fletch

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Comment by Alina on March 11, 2009 at 11:00pm
u hit the nail right on the head. first off just want to say the NY times suck!!! i hate how everytime anything comes up about the government people flip out and accuse others of being racist. it seems like the people accusing others of being racists are the real culprets, they r the ones bringing up race and making it sound like obama is weak and stupid and defensless(even though in my opinion i think he's weak in general). and yeah like u said no one protested for any other presidents, last time i checked in the US we had freedom of speech, so of course he's gonna get critisized anyone can be critisized. all of his ideas r stupid to me, like he made it so the drug czar is not in the cabinet anymore. great he doesnt think the drug problem is important but of course closing gitmo is important. that Allen Hunt sounds great if there were more people that told the honest truth like him the world would be a better place. thank you sooooo much for posting this i could go on for hours


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