Hey, Just wondering if anyone knows some stuff about the new album, because i live in australia and rja cancelled their tour due to recording or something and wondering if that was for a new album or just the acoustic version of dont you fake it... so please hit me up if u are more informed then me... lol

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Comment by Chris on May 22, 2008 at 3:27pm
Hey there, I might be able to answer your question slightly. First I'll say that they are worth the wait, like the above poster said. I saw them in Manchester on Sunday, and it was amazing. We spoke with their manager, and he said they should be starting recording the new Album soon after they've finished touring the UK (which is in a few more days). So I guess that's why the tour over there is cancelled, I'm really sorry to hear that though :( The same has happened with another band I like, called Cartel. They've had to cancel their UK Tour due to recording, it really sucks as I've waited a long time to see them too. But just stick in there dude, they'll visit some day and trust me, it'll be well worth it.
Comment by rjasnumberonefan on May 22, 2008 at 12:23pm
I believe the label pulled the tour and a few other countries were affected also. I'm really sorry for that and hope you fans stick with them. They are sooo worth the wait. They will start recording their new cd as soon as they return home. Ronnie has said on many occasions that he is really excited about the new songs. Those of us in Tampa on the Unplugged and Unaffected Tour got to hear one of the new songs. It was amazing. Trust me, I am as eager as you are for a new RJA cd :D


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