taylor holland
  • Male
  • Land O Lakes, FL
  • United States
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im 15 your music inspires me to do something with my life.. and not a very popular kid..i struggle alot because i have a single mom and she trys to work but its hard with all of my doctors appointments. because i have a disease in my throat and esophagise if thats how you spell it..and i have to take like 13 pills every morning and it really hard cuz i just wanna be a normal kid but i cant i have to do homeschool now but im getting worse and worse.. and i got this disease from food allergys i can barely eat anything in allergic to milk,wheat,fish,nuts,corn,and oats..do you know how hard it is to struggle every month and to see your mom have to go through that and her struggle.im sorry for going on and on..but i just wish other people could understand how hard it really is..im sure you have your struggles to..im sorry..and my passion is singing and football but i cant do football anymore because of it..and i sing all the time cause i have to stay home..i think i have a pretty good voice..but i have like forever since the first time i heard RJA have wanted to go to a concert but you guys never come close enough to me and i dont have the money..its my dream to see you and concert and meet you..like you have no idea like with all my problems i have had bad thoughts and you know what no joke you guys hhave saved my life..so i thank you..my name is taylor i live at 17850 state road 52..land o lakes florida...it would be the coolest thing ever to see you in concert..josh burke the sickest guitar player ever!!!! well thank you for listening or reading this if you do..to all of you god bless..and stay safe on tour

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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


Questions....=) 116 Replies

Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.

5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

Started by Megan (34,725 miles for RJA) in Uncategorized. Last reply by rjasnumberonefan Jul 3, 2014.

Lets play a game 418 Replies

Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.

Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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