Who thinks that the RJA should come to Indianapolis for the greatest concert of all of time??

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I soooo agree with you! They need to come to Indianapolis! That would be pretty much amazing!!
Hey!!! @ least im not the only one to think that. it would definately be freakin amazing.
No your not! I've been dying to see them in Indy! they always come somewhat close so i think its about time they actually come!! it would be pretty awesome!!!!!it would probably one of the best concerts!
Oh, I SO agree beyond words. they so need to get over to Indiana on the next tour!! I might die otherwise.. I don't really know what THE best place for a show in Indy is though??
The best place I thought was the Verizon Music Center .. but i think that may have got torn down soo i dont know where else there is to go cuz I always went there...
yeah, I heard they were going to tear it down : ( that's why I was wondering where else there was. I was by there last month and it was still there, but I don't know for how much longer.
Yeah who knows I know there are some more places in indy like little placas that is like The Egyption Room (spelling?).. and there are a few others I know of so there is still hope for an Indy show
So I heard that Verizon has one more summer.. :)



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