Well i guess since this is the first "discussion"... i should make it a good one... um.... ok

Where and Who was your first concert experience?

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1st concert was earlier this year at Virgin Festival in Vancouver w/ Rise Against, Billy Talent, My Chem and a lot more. Warped was a month and a half later and awesome :D
My first was Family Values like frikin aboooot..... 6 years ago or something... it was a while back... with korn, snoop dogg, System of a down, Powerman5000, Metalica, Xzibit, Deftones, and Mudvayne.... it was the sickest show ever... my other shows ive been too.... ive seen Lamb of God playing alone, Ive seen Shadowsfall and Slipknot play at the Forum two years ago, Ive been to warped two times last year and twice this year. seen RJA about 5 other times besides the four at warped. And yessir... warped was yessir, wicked awesome.
Hmm... mine was Anthrax and Nickelback and it was pretty cool. :]
lol i was like 7 and i went to seee n*sync
for real though was a concert at myth
its like a mosh pit only semi crappy night club
idr the band but it was awesome



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