Favorite concerts so far would have to be:

Taste of Chaos Detroit: Saosin & 30 seconds to mars / 3-31-07 @ Cobo

Avenged Sevenfold /11-8-07 @ the congress

30 seconds to mars / 10-20-06 @ the congress

Trivium / 10-17-06 @the metro

& sadly ive only seen RJA once at warped tour and i was really far away..
but i got to meet ronnie!! i couldnt find the rest of the band..

(you have to click the pictures to view them)

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i have been to so many concerts to choose from,but
All the RJA concerts i have been to where amazing the one i really remember was at this small club in VT and there was only 250 max in the club i was up front.This club was so small but it was amazing cause it was small it made the feeling more intament. I was just an awesome show. And one of my Favorites!
I love going to small shows cause there more intament then big concerts.
ahhh bby i was at TOC at cobo too. i went for my birfday. :) it was beyond incredible minus having nosebleed seats.

i went to warped 07 too. but i got there right after RJA left the stage because my parents wouldnt let me go so i had to sneak there. i was soooo sad. :( but i still had crazy fun afterwards.

mann i have bad luck at concerts lol.

anyone here like FOB?
their shows are always amazing.<333

man i love concerts!

my fave have to be the tooo many (7 i think) 30stm shows i've been too. every single one has been amazing.
i've seen rja i think 6 times. and the last one i went to on october 25th in toronto made me go wow. my wait in line (8hrs) was so worth it. anther show that made me gasp was the Muse show August. 1st. i can go on and on and on but that would be a waste of space.!
Best gig I've been to was RJA at Islington Academy. Absolutely worth the six hours in the queue :D



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