Who is your favorite RJA band member and why? And do u have any special memories of the band or with a member?

who's your fav? I love all of the guys, they all bring something special to the table that makes them the band and who they are collectively.......but I have to say that Duke has got to be one of my favorite members. Everytime that i see him at show and get a chance to run in to him and talk for a few, makes my year!! The last time that i saw him was at one of the hometown shows at Fuel 11-30-06 and he had no problem stopin to take pics with me and my sis and some of the hometown crew that he has known for a while(we know some of the same people/hang with some of the same folks......tim ross)He's the biggest mountain man teddy bear and one of the most sweetest guys that i have ever met. Just a few days before their charity concert in jacksonville(12/20/07), i had the pleasure of running into duke at the jiffy store here in middleburg. I was so surprized to see him that all i could get out was "hey" instead of duke, and he stepped on my foot and just about tore off my favorite pair of flip-flops, they are now in retirement, i can wish that they will be worth something but only duke and i will really know that he stepped on them. But all of the guys are great, they seem to really love their fans, and at every show i attend, it seems like they never get tired of taking a moment to pose with fans or to just talk and say hi., which makes them who they are!!!!!

Tell me who your fav is and why and if you have any special memories you hold with a band member.

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I would have to say Ronnie.
I love all the dudes, but Ronnie is my favorite.
Idk, there's something about him that draws me to him.........
It would be hard for me to choose between Ronnie and Duke... I graduated with the guys and they are both awesome guys. Ronnie is an absolute music mastermind and is more determined to succeed than anyone in the buisness. Even when he was the drummer for the band Dishonest he was certain to make his mark in the music buisness. Duke is flippn cool man, in all reality he is a great role model for everyone, he is a "rock star" on stage and the most down to earth, normal guy off the stage. He is not afraid to admit that Jesus Christ is first in his life and is a big reason for his success. One of my cool memories of the band is when me and a few of my friends went up to JackRabitts to watch RJA, well once we got there the building was up to capacity with people, so they wouldnt let us in, well we seen Duke and Dan (the old drummer) outside the club and duke called Ronnie and Ronnie called the manager and they ended up letting us in for free and we had a blast. Good times!!
yes you are right chris...ronnie is a musical mastermind and truley without him, there would be no rja...yeah i remember when ronnie played with dishonest...in fact sometimes i still see cars around town with their stickers on there car...but i do remember when he played for them and the last time that i saw dishonest play. i remember ronnie was late and they played at the art bar with awol, and the story was that ronnie was late b/cause he was practicing with a new band now known as rja...thats some funny shit...then shortly there after, there was no more dishonest. if you went to school with them or to wilkinson jr. high, you may know my hubby troy ganion?
i cant compete with any of that.

but their all awesome

i talked to joey before and after a concert and he was so awesome

first, i saw him at a restaurant, and he was like 2 chairs away, and i waved and he waved and smiled back, then after, i was outside and he walked by and i got a hi 5.

then he waved to us in the concert =D

after i got his pic and autograph and he liked my blue magic marker [it was all i had to use]
it was awesome. i wished i had hung w/ him longer but my sister didnt want to =P

but then i met them all but ronnie =[
For me My RJA favourite band member....He's....Joey Westwood. He's handsome and he's cool, the way he play both in music vedio and some show. He look attractive, handsome, and even the style of his clothes which always look good(in my ideal, i like that style)anything....perfect. Hmm....he's my number 1.
Number 2 would be Ronnie Winter. His sound is really cool!
i seriously love all of them but from most fav to least fav its duke, elias, joey, ronnie then jon.

duke is just adorable. hes so sweet except for the interview in which he said, "Come get punched in the face[at warped]" lol. my favorite memory of him was when after a show he was talking to family i guess and he started posing with a red boa.

elias is a trip. he is always so funny. my favorite memories of him: 1. when i met him for the first time he talked to me and for once i wasnt nervous eventhough hes famous cuz im always nervous 2. when im waiting for him to see me in the mob that surrounded him wanting autographs after the show on 11/21/07(im quite shy and just kinda hung back and waited instead of pushing people out of the way) and he finally comes over and says, "hey i havent seen you in forever. how've you been?"

joey is so funny. my favorite memories of him: 1. when i bought him a small pizza after a show and he offered me a piece and i declined and he stuffed his face and hugged me and ran off 2. when after the show 11/21/07 i go up to him and he says, "hey i havent seen you in a while" then he takes a pic of us and says, "i look like i'm in a 60's action movie"

ronnie is amazing. once after a show he came off the tour bus at 1am because someone told him that a few of the fans were waiting for him. my favorite memories of him: 1. him letting me keep and signing for me his last bottle of throat spray that i had 2. seeing him wear the hat that my friend and i bought him and gave it to joey to give to him. it was a white volcom hat that had volcom vertically up the back and he used to have one just like it but then it got stolen, so we got him a new one. see attached photo taken by megan apparatus

jon is so cool. ive only met him once, so i dont have any memories from meeting him, but i do remember how it took me a while to get used to his "show shorts" lol.
Joey he's a real good friend haha remember senior year at your 2 house parties first night for everything haha and didnt george come dressed up as a girl at one of em
I love every single member of Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, even past members <3 but i have to say, Joey is my favorite<3 He's super funny and so chill about everything. He makes everything fun and he's so nice :) I hope I can meet him one day! <3



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Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe. Last reply by Just A Fan Nov 21, 2011.

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