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So, what is everyone's favorite RJA song?

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Yay! I'll be the first to reply to this!
And it's really hard to pick a favorite song when they're all so good.
But I'd have to say that, at the moment, Misery Loves It's Company is my favorite.
I just like the lyrics, and it connects, you know?
God, I love these guys!
hmm almost all of them have some meaning to me that i love about them but...
atrophy and in fates hands
but i love all of them
1. angels cry-i know i'll NEVER hear it live

2.home improvement-i will only hear this live if i get lucky

3. love seat-ive heard like 2 lines of this live and was singing along until ronnie switched to your guardian angel cuz only like 4 ppl were singing

4. damn regret

5. false pretense
I know what u mean about love seat- and them moving onto guardian angel he did that at the House of Blues here in Orlando. I was singing it and then he switched but oh well all their songs are great.
Home Improvement is probably my favorite song, but Angels Cry kills me too. As far as the CD goes , it's a tie between Waiting and The Grim Goodbye. Probably Grim Goodbye, just because I'm a wreck and can relate to it. Even though Waiting is a perfect sing along radio type song. How can a song be so depressing and upbeat at the same time?



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Discussion Forum

The New Jams 10 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe. Last reply by Just A Fan Nov 21, 2011.

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