Hey whats up?? im from Jacksonville Florida!!! Hometown of RJA! i actually know the sister of the drummer and i know the drum tec because my dad works on his car all the time...its pretty kool...well yea...

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that is deff pretty cool.
i live about 3-4 hours away from Jacksonville.
= /

but it's close enough for me.
It's really weird, because my uncle is a UPS driver in Jacksonville, and he actually delivers all the RJA merch to Ronnie Winter's house.
I got some signed stuff earlier this year because of it.
Crazy, huh?
middleburg is actually the hometown.i was at the practice when the guy from vision sound came to hear them play,which started their whole career.i went to school with ronnie and duke
That's really cool.
And I know that it's Middleburg; I was just saying that my unlce is from Jacksonville, which is really close to Middleburg.
thats pretty cool . i live in brevard county. about 3 hours or so from jacksonville . did u know about RJA before they got big? ..
im from cocoa.

not very close to jax.
but oh well.
yeah my hubby troy went to school with randy and ronnie. we are good friends with randy and my hubby is also best friends with tim ross who used to drum for veronicas veil, i am sure you know all of them.....isn't it the craziest thing when you know people that you know have worked hard to make it in the business and they finally do and you get to say that not only are you from the same hometown as they are but you know them too? Im from the burg where it all started....just wish my hubby and i would have taken ppl up on the opprotunity to see them play all the time when they were just starting and doing it for shits and giggles



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The New Jams 10 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe. Last reply by Just A Fan Nov 21, 2011.

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