awareness against self-harm


awareness against self-harm

Self-harm (SH) or deliberate self-harm (DSH) includes self-injury (SI) and self-poisoning and is defined as the intentional, direct injuring of body tissue without suicidal intent.The most common form of self-harm is skin cutting.

Members: 34
Latest Activity: Aug 8, 2014

Discussion Forum

Have you? 18 Replies

I know theres meny ways to hurt yourself, the way i do it is i put a rubber band around my wrist and just pluck it, when my wrist turns red, i do the other. I have just told the world what i do. Now…Continue

Started by Lulu(is lost in her head). Last reply by Lulu(is lost in her head) Apr 28, 2010.

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Comment by Alana on May 19, 2010 at 4:28pm
lmaoo idc mann i love it <3 u should be a song writer :P
Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on May 19, 2010 at 10:03am
yes -.-
The moon rises
The sun sets.
The stars shine.
Now is the time to dine.
Feast my friend.
Now you can find your feind.
Feast on the blood.
Now we flood.
Can you feel the ground beneath us?
Even the ground is shaking in fear.
Feast, my dears.
Feast, my childeren.
No one will ever hold us back again.
The sun now rise's.
Our stars hide.
The light bruns.
But by night,
We will feast again.
Feast on there pain.
Feast on there personaly restains.
Come my childeren.

hay do ya think my demon might be back? >:D
Comment by Alana on May 18, 2010 at 5:58pm
u mean like carrying their books :P
Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on May 17, 2010 at 10:00pm
lol, then where are you gonna start?
the old carry-the-stuff act? thats for guys.
Comment by Alana on May 17, 2010 at 9:12pm they make big deals about ppl looking at u funny soo saying hi is a big step. :P
Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on May 17, 2010 at 4:34pm
just say hi
Comment by Alana on May 15, 2010 at 12:18pm
well talk to the ones u DO like. and idk what to say and i find it rele awkward cause their either with their friends or im with mine. :S
Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on May 14, 2010 at 10:10pm
Then go up and talk to them.
Thats what I do, and I seem to have a new guy looking at me every time i look over my sholder.
the only thing is, I don't like them like that or i will never see them again :(
Comment by Alana on May 14, 2010 at 7:21pm
wooow same here. like the only guys that will even talk to me are over the internet. i can not get a guy in person. i'll like them but they won't even know i exsist and im tired of it
Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on May 13, 2010 at 6:03pm
Take it one step at a time.
And please take your meds!!! I don't like meds at all, but sometimes it's the best thing for you. If you are hungery, then have a few snacks here and there, DO NOT take in alot of food all at once after you haven't eaten over 24 hours.

Alana, the guys that i like and like me back, well they are truly not in my life. They are over the internet, and I need to feel a person, not just think about them. I need some one who is here with me, who can hold me. Talk to me. And well, lets face it, the only guys that seam to give a flying fucker fish about are not near me.

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