Have you ever been beaten? Or do you know someone who has? Whatever your story is please share and I'll be here to help you if you are struggling to deal with this.
Just please share your story and me an inspiration and light to those you are struggling.
And if you don't have a personal story PLEASE post your best advice.
Thank you!!
Peace!- Your Guardian Angel

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That was really good advice Kanela!
I understand that you're not ready to tell your story.
Just now that whenever you are I am here for you :)
I won't tell anyone if you don't want me, and it could be between you and me.
I'm not saying this to get you to tell me, but I'm just saying this in case you ever need a friend.
I will be praying for you :)
I'm not mad :)
I totally understand, and it's no problem =]
I was datin this guy and he was like telling me what to wear, and it got worse and worse and he started being very mean, then he started abusin me and stuff. well it took me years to get away from him, but after I did I learned to look for warning signs. now I stay away from insecure tweebs like that joker. i realize I need to love myself more than some scub says he 'love's me. cause violence ain't love xD..



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